Neonatal Urgencies and Emergencies (in Term Infants)Author(s): Myron Yaster, MD
Duration: 36 mins 50 secs
Medical Editors(s): Dolores B. Njoku, MD, Medical Editor, Sally Bitzer, MD, Medical Editor
At the completion of this module, the learner will be able to discuss the more common neonatal urgencies and emergencies in term infants and their ramifications when these children require general anesthesia for painful procedures.
Learning Objectives:
1. To review the physiologic differences in cardiopulmonary, renal, hepatic, and other organ systems that exist in the transition from the foetus to the neonate to the young infant that may impact upon the care of these patients.
2. To identify the various congenital syndromes that require surgical intervention in the term infant, such as omphalocele, gastroschisis, duodenal atresia, and pyloric stenosis. (thoracic emergencies will be covered in another lecture).
3. To understand the physical requirements of the operating room, as well as the necessary equipment needed for monitoring and vascular access that will assist you in formulating an appropriate anaesthetic plan for these children.