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Trip database: Resource information

Trip Pro is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.

As well as research evidence (trials, systematic reviews, clinical guidelines including ANZCA Professional Documents, etc), Trip also allow clinicians to search across other content types including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.

Guide index

Library > Library guides > Databases > Trip Pro

On this page

  • Overview of the database
  • Introduction to Trip Pro
  • Create a user account
  • Saved searches & alerts
  • Support


  • The Internet's largest collection of clinical guidelines (including ANZCA Professional Documents) from all over the globe categorised by geography (50,000+)
  • Regulatory guidance, including FDA, Euro Med Agency, NICE, IQWIG, Scot Med Cons, AWSMG and MHRA (5000+)
  • Systematic reviews including Cochrane, NICE, AHRQ, DARE, HTA, NHS EED and special filter to identify system reviews in PubMed (250,000+ inc 100,000 exclusive to Trip Pro)
  • Evidence-based synopses including Bandolier, EBN, EBM, EBMH, BestBETs, PedsCCM and lots of CATS (25,000+)
  • Access to DynaMed Plus - resources in evidence medicine for healthcare professionals at the point-of-care
  • Trip connected - find similar articles using this new tool

If you're new to Trip and want to understand more of how to use the site, then watch this short video.

User accounts can be used to view your search history and view your marked/starred items.

Benefits of registering

  1. Log into Trip Pro using the proxied ANZCA link (users will be required to authenticate using their ANZCA ID and password)
  2. Select the Sign Up link from the top-right of screen
  3. Complete the registration form:
    • Email Address
    • Password (and confirm it)
    • Accept theTerms of use
  4. Click Nextbutton and enter your profile details:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Country (for example: Australia)
    • Clinical areas (for example: Anesthesiology)
    • Profession (for example: Doctor/physician - primary care/family practice)
    • Institutions (select up to 3 including ANZCA)
    • Automated search terms (enter search terms of interest and Trip will send you new content, based on these terms, every month. An easy way to keep up to date with new evidence in your area)
  5. Click Save changes when complete

It is possible to save automated search terms in Trip Pro which forms the basis of a monthly update email.

Please Note: These features require that the user have a user account in Trip Pro [see separate instructions].

  1. Log into Trip Pro using the proxied ANZCA link (users will be required to authenticate using their ANZCA ID and password)
  2. Select theLog Inlink from the top-right of screen
  3. Enter the following
    • Email address
    • Password
  4. ClickLoginbutton
  5. Then select your profile name link in the top-right corner of the screen - this should take you to your Your profile page
  6. Enter/update the following details:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Country (for example: Australia)
    • Clinical areas (for example: Anesthesiology)
    • Profession (for example: Doctor/physician - primary care/family practice)
    • Institutions (select up to 3 includingANZCA)
    • Automated search terms (enter search terms of interest and Trip will send you new content, based on these terms, every month. An easy way to keep up to date with new evidence in your area)
  7. ClickSave changes when complete

An explanation of the Trip connected feature.

Access full-text using LibKey

If you have the LibKey browser extension installed, you can view and download full-text articles the college has access to via LibKey.

Look for the 'Full text via LibKey' icon next to the title.



How to Use Trip

The How to use Trip page has a selection of video tutorials, including:

  • 6 Questions
  • PICO Search

Trip Information

The Trip About page outlines various information, including:

  • Content selection
  • Filtering in Trip
  • Benefits of Trip
  • Trip and reference management software
  • And much more

Talk to us

We rely on your feedback to further develop and support the ANZCA library. Use the link below to provide content suggestions, as well as to make recommendations, report issues, and to give general feedback.

Quick links

CPD online portfolio

ANZCA Training Portfolio System

FPM Training ePortfolio


Professional documents

Member Portal

RGA Training ePortfolio

ANZCA Connect

Doctors' helpline

Clinical job vacancies


Faculty of Pain Medicine

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine

ANZCA Foundation

ANZCA Clinical Trials Network

Geoffrey Kaye Museum

Connect with us











The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.
The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.

Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.