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AudioDigest Anesthesiology Collection [CICM]: Resource information

The AudioDigest app provides access to a series of audio lectures. The Anesthesiology collection includes lectures on anesthesia, pain medicine and critical care procedures, methods and techniques, clinical subspecialties, and special problems and issues.

Guide index

HomeCICM > CICM Library > Apps > AudioDigest

On this page

  • Recent lectures spotlight
  • Overview
  • Registration process
  • Access via my smart device
  • Access via my desktop
  • Update my playlist with all available lectures
  • How can I tell if a lecture is available?
  • My login failed/has expired
  • Support - help videos

Access via your desktop

Already registered? You can access AudioDigest from your desktop.

See full access instructions in the accordion below.

AudioDigest provides instant online and mobile access to 250+ accredited anaesthesiology, pain medicine and critical care audio lectures and board reviews (comprising the Anesthesiology collection) presented by experts from leading institutions, bringing clinicians a convenient continuing medical education (CME/CE) experience.


  • Each lecture includes:
    • Objectives, disclosures and acknowledgements
    • Pretest (questions and answers)
    • Summary & Readings
    • Posttest (questions and answers)
    • Evaluation
  • Automatically synchronizes your progress across your computer and your smart device
  • A mobile app is available for Apple iOS and Android


Access to AudioDigest requires the user to register an account:

  1. Log into the AudioDigest registration page using the proxied CICM link (users will be required to authenticate using their CICM Member Portal Username and password)
  2. Welcome from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists! message should display at the top of the screen
  3. Complete the registration form:
    • Content by Specialty
      • Select Anesthesiology
    • Content by Topic
      • Leave blank
    • My Login - enter the following required fields:
      • Salutation
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Professional Designation - for example: MD Physician
      • Email (Your Email will be used for your Username)
      • Create Password
      • Confirm Password
    • Tick the Privacy Policy check box
  4. Click the Register Now button when complete
  5. A "WE ARE PREPARING YOUR ACCOUNT. THIS WILL TAKE JUST A MOMENT" screen will display, asking to allow 5-10 minutes for the system to process the order.

  1. Once registered, you will receive a Registering for your Audio-Digest Membership email:

  1. This email contains your username (typically your email address) and Customer ID
  2. When you sign into your account for the first time, you will be prompted for additional information:
    • Specialty - select a specialty from the drop-down - for example: Anesthesiology
    • Secondary specialty (optional) - for example: Pain Management
    • Scope of Practice - tick the boxes that apply
  3. Click the COMPLETE MY REGISTRATION button when complete
  4. You will then be directed to the member dashboard

Please Note: While you can access AudioDigest from any computer or smart device with your username/password, you will be required to re-authenticate your account via this proxied link every 3 months to continue accessing AudioDigest.

A: Download the AudioDigest app:

iOS (iTunes App Store) - Access: Free

Android (Google Play) - Access: Free

B: Registering for AudioDigest:

  • First-time users must complete the AudioDigest registration process (see above)​

IMPORTANT: Accessing AudioDigest requires that the user have an existing user profile (personal account) in AudioDigest. If you do not already have a user profile set up, then refer to the instructions above on how to Register for AudioDigest before completing the following steps.

C: On your smart device:

  1. Ensure the AudioDigest app is installed
  2. You will be prompted for your AudioDigest user Sign In details:
    • Enter your Email address
    • Enter your Password
    • Select Remember me on this device

  1. Select the Log in button
  2. You will be taken to the AudioDigest home screen
  3. Select My Library to display the default list of accessible lectures available via our subscription (usually the most recent 20 lectures)

  1. Use the Filter button to refine the list by selecting a filter specialty or topic (for example: Specialty = Anesthesiology or Topic = Pain), selecting the back button () and selecting the Apply button

Please Note: Your device will be enabled for access for 3 MONTHS.

Did your login fail or were the anaesthesiology lectures showing in preview-only mode? If your account has expired, you can: re-authenticate using this link.

For more information, contact the CICM via ANZCA Library: Library feedback form

IMPORTANT: First-time users of AudioDigest will be required to complete a registration form to enable access (see instructions above).

  1. First-time users must complete the AudioDigest registration process (see the Register for AudioDigest section above)
  2. Log into desktop version of AudioDigest using the proxied ANZCA link (users will be required to authenticate using their ANZCA ID and password)
  3. Enter your AudioDigest Email Address and Password:

  1. Click the Log in button
  2. The AudioDigest Dashboard screen will display an overview of recently added lectures as well as other features available via our subscription.

  1. To add a complete list of accessible lectures to My Library/Playlist, select Search by Specialty > Anesthesiology from the top menu:

  1. The complete list of available anaesthesiology courses will then display. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select ADD ALL RESULTS TO MY LIBRARY
  2. Ensure the Update My Library and Playlist as similar content becomes available box is ticked and click the Save button. Note: It is also possible to add this list as a Playlist by entering Playlist name.

  1. You can then access the complete list (or playlist) by clicking on the Library and Playlists selections in the main menu
  2. Use the search boxes to filter the list - for example: Title or Issue ID = pain and select <enter>

Did your login fail or were the anaesthesiology lectures showing in preview-only mode? If your account has expired, you can: re-authenticate using this link.

For more information, contact the CICM via ANZCA Library: Library feedback form

There are instructions available in the Access via your desktop section above on how to manually add the complete list of available anaesthesiology audio lectures to your My Library list.

Alternatively, it is possible to add the ANZCA Library managed playlist to your Playlist section by clicking on the following link:

Add Shared Anesthesiology playlist

The added playlist will display as follows:

AudioDigest contains many audio lectures that do not form part of the ANZCA Library's subscription - comprised of 245 lectures forming the Anesthesiology collection.

The list of accessible lectures is viewable by selecting the Anesthesiology specialty within AudioDigest.

The AudioDigest search function (and Search by Specialty drop-down) in the top-right corner searches the entire AudioDigest collection and will include lectures that the Library does not have access to.

However, availability can be determined as follows:

  • By a green ( > ) button alongside the item in the search results list

Inaccessible items can be determined as follows:

  • By a (?) alongside the item in the search results list
  • By the presence of a LIMITED ACCESS - AudioDigest Sample box on the full lecture

Your AudioDigest login needs to be periodically re-authenticated in order remain active.

If your account has expired, you will need to: re-authenticate using this link.

Once you reauthenticate, you should then be able to once again log into AudioDigest using your dedicated AudioDigest login.

If you have tried the above and are still having issues, contact the CICM via ANZCA Library: Library feedback form

Can't access lectures?

Can't remember your AudioDigest password?

AudioDigest Spotlight

Users must register prior to listening.

CICM Talk to us

We rely on your feedback to further develop and support CICM user access to the ANZCA library. Use the link below to provide content suggestions, as well as to make recommendations, report issues, and to give general feedback.

Library feedback form