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Borrowing: Pickup & courier

ANZCA library is home to nearly 3000 print books - specialising in anaesthesia and pain medicine-related titles - most of which are available for loan. Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.

Print books by location

Search the discovery service for print books at a particular location or collection:

Simply enter your search and use the Held By Library filter at the top-left of screen to limit your results to a particular branch.

Request, borrow and renew

Most ANZCA library print books (including our primary exam and exam preparation print collections) are available to request via the library discovery service.

  • When placing a request via the discovery service, first-time users will be required to create a password for their personalised Library Account
  • As many of our notifications are system-generated, please ensure that your contact details are up-to-date (including your preferred email address) - contact the library if you need a library staff member to update your contact details
  • It is now possible to self-renew your items on loan (see details below)

​Please Note:

  • Access/authentication for e-resources remains your College ID (or staff username) and ANZCA password
  1. Search the ANZCA library discovery service for a particular title or enter keywords related to your topic (for example: stoelting)

  1. After your results display, select the Print Book filter in the Item Format section of the left sidebar:

  1. Click the title link of your preferred print item:

  1. Items can be requested by selecting the [ Request Item for Loan ] button:

  1. The login screen for your personalised library account will display:

  1. Enter your College ID (or staff username) and Library Password
    Note: First time users will need to set up a password for your personalised library account by selecting the Request Library Password link (see Setting/resetting your personalised library account password section for more details)
  2. Once logged in, the Submit a Place Hold Request screen will display:

  1. Enter the following details:
    • I need: Select Any Copy* OR Specific Copies or Volumes
    • Pick Up Options: You will have 2 delivery/collection options to choose from:
      • Australia - Courier Delivery (Express Post) [default for patrons based in Australia]
      • Australia - Collect from Melbourne Office Reception
      • New Zealand - Courier Delivery [default for patrons based in NZ]
      • New Zealand - Collect from Wellington Office Reception
    • I need this for specific dates (optional):
      • From/To dates: leave blank if you want the hold to activate immediately and/or not expire
      • Note: If a From date is entered, then the hold will not activate until that date [and be ignored by the system]*. Once active, it will then pick up the next available item after the From date [assuming you are now first in the hold queue].
      • I cannot pick up date... : Enter From/To dates you do not want the item (for example: if you will be away) - this will "suspend" the hold for that period but maintain your position in the hold queue*. Once the hold reactivates, it will then pick up the next available item after the From date [assuming you are now first in the hold queue].
        *Titles with holds will continue to be lent/renewed as normal until the From date is active [ie: the "inactive" From date will not impact the due date of item lent/renewed prior to that date]
    • Enter any Need a specific copy or volume? Anything else we need to know about this request? details which may be of assistance (optional):
      • Note: Please do not enter your delivery address details - these will be requested once the item is ready to be sent
  2. Click the [ Submit ] button when complete
  3. The Place Hold Submitted screen will display:

InformationOnce your requested item is ready to be sent, you will receive an email notification requesting your DELIVERY ADDRESS

InformationItems borrowed from the ANZCA library are delivered to the requestor via Express Post courier delivery (or NZ courier) FREE OF COST.

  1. Once your requested item is ready to be sent, you will receive an email notification requesting your DELIVERY ADDRESS:
    • Subject = ANZCA Library Book Request (Delivery Address Required/Ready to Collect)
    • Sender =

  1. For users who selected COURIER DELIVERY:
    • Please *FORWARD* this email to and supply the following information:
      • For delivery by Express Post/NZ Courier
  2. Once the item has been despatched, you will receive a second email notification that includes the due date of the item:
    • Subject = ANZCA Library Book Request (DUE DATE)
    • Sender =

  1. DELIVERY TIMES: Please allow 2-3 working days for delivery. If the parcel fails to arrive within 4 working days, then please notify the ANZCA library so that we can follow up with the courier.
  2. RETURNS: An addressed Express Post bag (or NZ courier bag) will be enclosed to allow you return these item/s when finished.
    • Please email the library ( to let us know when you intend to collect your item and it will be checked out and placed at reception for collection
    • Please collect your item within the next 7 DAYS (or the item will be sent to the next requestor in the queue/returned to the collection)
    • Pick-up Location details:

InformationIt is possible to log into your personalised library account, view your items on loan (and on hold) and renew any item that has not been requested by another patron:

  1. Open the ANZCA Library discovery service
  2. Click on the [ Sign In ] button in the top-right of the screen:

  1. ​The login screen for your personalised library account will display:

  1. Enter your College ID (or staff username) and Library Password
    Note: If you cannot remember your library password, select the Request Library Password link
  2. Once signed in, click on the [ Hello <Your Name> ] button and select My Account > and then select an option:

  1. Your My Library Account page will display:

  1. Select the items to be renewed and click on the [ RENEW ITEMS ] button to renew your items on loan
  2. The Renew Item prompt will display - click the [ RENEW ] button to confirm the renewal/s:

  1. If your item is not on hold for another patron, your item will be renewed and the new due date displayed:

  1. If the item has been requested by another patron, the renewal will be refused:

  1. If the renewal is refused, please ensure that you return the item using the addressed Express Post bag supplied.



First-time users of the discovery service who would like to request items, view/renew items on loan, save searches or create lists will need to create a password for their personalised library account.

NOTE: This is not the same as your ANZCA password used to access to e-resources. Setting/resetting your personalised library account password will not affect your ANZCA password.

  1. Open the ANZCA library discovery service
  2. Click on the [ Sign in ] button in the top-right of the screen:

  1. The login screen for your personalised library account will display:

  1. Click the Request Library Password link at the bottom of the Sign In box - this will open the Request new Library Password screen

  1. Enter your College ID (or staff username) and click the [ Request ] button

Note: If you do not receive an email or no longer have access to your preferred email account, contact the library and a library staff member will update your contact details.

  1. An email will be generated and sent to your preferred email address
    • Subject = Request to manage library password
    • Sender = Library Password Management <>

  1. Click on the link in the email - this will open the Change Library Password screen:

  1. Enter the following:
    • Your College ID (or staff username)
    • Your New Library Password
    • Confirm new Library Password
  2. Click the [ Change Library Password ] button when complete
  3. A Library Password updated message should then display:

  1. Couldn't reset your password? Contact the library and a library staff member will check/update your contact details. Note: Library staff cannot view/set your library account password details.

The Browse the Shelf feature allows Discovery users to see which items owned by the library are next to a selected item in the library's collection, based on the item call numbers.

  1. Navigate to the library discovery service
  2. Search and locate a print book – for example: Essentials of anaesthetic equipment
  3. Select the book title to view the detailed record
  4. Scroll down to the Browse the Shelf section to view a list of related titles

View/renew items on loan

Conditions of borrowing

  • Items available for loan include textbooks, CD-ROMs and DVDs
  • Requested items are delivered via courier free-of-charge
  • Items on loan can be returned using the addressed Express Post bag (AU) / courier bag (NZ) enclosed with your item
  • Print journals are not available for loan - however online journals/articles can be accessed via the discovery service and articles from journals available only in print can be requested via our article request service
  • Loans are available to ANZCA | FPM fellows, trainees, CPD participants and SIMG (learn more about eligibility criteria here).
  • Loans limited to five (5) items per borrower at any one time
  • Loan duration is three (3) weeks, and items can be renewed via the discovery service (see View/renew items on loan section)

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The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.
The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.

Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.