Pain+ CPNPain PLUS (Premium LiteratUre Service)is a resource thatprovides access to current, high-quality evidence from health care research, to support evidence-based clinical decisions.
PAIN+ is continuously updated, unique resource which allows you to see what other clinicians are reading, and search citations(from over 120 premier clinical journals) that are pre-rated for evidence quality by research staff.
How you can use it:
1. Register to create a free account where you can set up alert preferences for email alerts
2. Receive e-mail alerts about new evidence, each alert includes clinical ratings and comments, and electronic links to the article's abstract via PubMed (if available) and full-text article via PubMed or the publisher's site (if available for free)
3. Search the ANZCA journal list and find the articles you want from our subscriptions, or if you need assistance locating an article - request the article from the Library by email: