Mendeleyis a desktop and web program produced by Elsevier for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online.
Mendeley is available either as a premium payable version or a basic version that is free but requires registration.
- Mendeley Desktop, based on Qt, runs on Windows, Mac (macOS Sierra and High Sierra not officially supported[2]) and Linux.
- Automatic extraction of metadata from PDF papers.
- Back-up and synchronization across multiple computers and with a private online account.
- PDF viewer with sticky notes, text highlighting and full-screen reading.
- Full-text search across papers.
- Citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word
- Import of documents and research papers from external websites (for example:&PubMed, Google Scholar) via browser bookmarklet.
- Private groups to collaboratively tag and annotate research papers.
- Public groups to share reading lists.
- Social networking features (newsfeeds, comments, profile pages, etc.).
- Usage-based readership statistics about papers, authors and publications.
Access Mendeley here [FREE]