McGain F, Bishop JR, Elliot-Jones LM, Story DA, Imberger GL. A survey of the choice of general anaesthetic agents in Australia and New Zealand. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2019;47(3):235-241.
Keywords: Survey; environment; financial savings; general anaesthesia; nitrous oxide; propofol; volatiles.
Strategies to reduce the adverse environmental costs of anaesthesia include choice of agent and fresh gas flows. The current preferences of Australian and New Zealand anaesthetists are unknown. We conducted a survey of Australian and New Zealand anaesthetists to determine the use of volatiles, nitrous oxide and intravenous anaesthesia, lowest fresh gas flow rates, automated end-tidal volatile control, and the rationales for these choices. The survey was answered by 359/1000 (36%), although not all questions and multiple responses within single questions were answered by all respondents. Sevoflurane was preferred by 246/342 (72%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 67%–77%), followed by propofol, 54/340 (16%, 95% CI 12%–20%), desflurane 39/339 (12%, 95% CI 8%–16%) and isoflurane 3/338(1%, 95% CI 0–3%). When asked about all anaesthetics, low-risk clinical profile was the most common reason given for using sevoflurane (129/301 (43%, 95% CI 37%–49%)), reduced postoperative nausea for propofol (297/318 (93%, 95% CI 90%–96%)) and faster induction/awakening times for desflurane (46/313 (79%, 95% CI 74%–83%)). Two-thirds (226/340 (66%, 95% CI 61%–71%)) of respondents used nitrous oxide in 0–20% of general anaesthetics. Low fresh gas flow rates for sevoflurane were used by 310/333 (93%, 95% CI 90%–95%) and for 262/268 (98%, 95% CI 95%–99%) for desflurane. Automated end-tidal control was used by 196/333 (59%, 95% CI 53%–64%). The majority of respondents (>70%) preferred sevoflurane at low flows. These data allow anaesthetists to consider further whether changes are required to the choices of anaesthetic agents for environmental, financial, or any other reasons.