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Research support toolkit (RSTK): 2: Setting up

We've got the funding - now what?

Operational management

Information about research co-ordinators, legal requirements and trial registration processes.

Research coordinators are essential for the research sustainability of research departments. They are often qualified with a nursing or science background and come with a breadth of skills from patient care to preparing ethics submissions, patient consent and recruitment to clinical trials and data follow-up.

The ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) have developed a business case template to help justify the employment of a qualified anaesthesia research co-ordinator by your department or group. Each patient enrolled in our current clinical trials will receive per patient payments for your department. Sites capable of recruiting an average of four patients per week may be in a position to fund a full-time qualified research co-ordinator, which is vital to the success of research.

In Australia, the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) is one of the Primary Registries in the WHO Registry Network.

To register a trial, submit the details directly to Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry or an alternative ICMJE approved registry.

For trials that will recruit in the US, the trial must be registered on the registry:

Setting up a clinical trial

Finding a suitable site to conduct research, setting up a clinical trial at my site and barriers.

One of the core aims of the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network(CTN) is to build research capacity at sites to participate in multicentre research. The trial project teams will work closely with you to determine the feasibility of undertaking multicentre research at your site and help you navigate the ethics and research governance processes

Contact the CTN manager to discuss the support provided by CTN and trial project teams to help you get started in multi-centre research and to deal with challenges that you may face.

For more information on current CTN trials open for recruitment and to register your interest to participate with the trial project team, click on the link below:

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance is the peak body for clinical trial networks, clinical quality registries and clinical trial coordinating centres in Australia. They advocate for the sector and help it to grow and improve by providing tools, resources, education and connections. Resources have been developed in the following key areas:

For more information about ACTA, of which ANZCA CTN is a full member:

Additional resources

Additional resources which may prove useful when undertaking research. is a joint initiative between the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) to provide information and resources to consumers, health care providers, researchers and industry about clinical trials.
The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) is a national peak body supporting and representing the networks of clinician researchers that conduct investigator-initiated or "public-good" clinical trials within the Australian health system.

The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.

The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.

The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.