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Good scientific writing is essential to career development and to the progress of science. A well-structured manuscript allows readers and reviewers to get excited about the subject matter, to understand and verify the paper’s contributions, and to integrate these contributions into a broader context. However, many scientists struggle with producing high-quality manuscripts and are typically untrained in paper writing. Focusing on how readers consume information, we present a set of ten simple rules to help you communicate the main idea of your paper. These rules are designed to make your paper more influential and the process of writing more efficient and pleasurable.
Read the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.
The Springer Author and Reviewer tutorials are a series of free e-learning modules designed for anybody seeking an overview or a refresher on topics related to getting their work published. Topics include:
Learn more about the how to assemble and format citations appropriate for your needs.
Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research.
Your one-stop-shop for writing and publishing high-impact health research, with further information on:
Story, Not Study: 30 Brief Lessons to Inspire Health Researchers as Writers by Lorelei Lingard; Chris Watling
ISBN: 9783030713621
Publication Date: 2021-04-27
Brief, accessible lessons that guide researchers to write clear and compelling scientific manuscripts. This book is divided into three sections - Story, Craft, and Community. The Story section offers advice on getting the balance of study and story just right, introducing strategies for tackling each section of a scientific manuscript. The Craft section considers the grammatical and rhetorical tools of the trade, showing how they can be wielded for maximum impact. And the Community section offers suggestions for writing collaboratively, supporting other writers, and navigating peer review.
Not sure what journal to choose? Here are a few tools to help.
Think. Check. Submit.
Think. Check Submit. - Identify trusted publishers for your research
Choosing A Journal For Your Research
Choosing a Journal For Your Research by Electronic Information for Libraries
This guide provides tips for researchers on how to choose an appropriate journal for their research and guides research support librarians who are seeking to help researchers to choose a journal.
Wiley Journal Explorer Tool
Not sure what journal to choose? Use the Journal Explorer Tool to compare journals by scope, Impact Factor, open access, and more.
"Effective Publication Strategies: 12 Tips for Selecting the Right Journal for Your Research and Scholarship Available Online"
Video: Publishing your research? How to avoid predatory journals | The Royal Society
Duration: 2m16sOpen access (OA) is a mechanism by which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. There are many types of open access, including "green" and "gold" models.
Plan S is an initiative for Open Access publishing that was launched in September 2018 and is supported by cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders. It is the predominant open-access strategy in the EU.
UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) requires that all UK govt funded research articles be published open-access from 1 April 2022.
Open research/science is the umbrella term used to describe the various open-access initiatives.
Below are resources related to the publication costs in the subscription and open-access arena. These charges are often referred to as article processing charges (APC). Springer Nature and Wiley both offer a strong commitment to open-access journal publishing.
To help get you started with preparing your abstract, we have collated some resources below:
Queensland Health has created a guide to writing & presenting papers:
The following document was developed by a working group of publication professionals:
National Library of Australia (NLA)
Online publications can be deposited using the Australian National eDeposit service
All publishers in New Zealand must deposit their publications with the National Librarian. This enables the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) to collect, preserve, and make available the documentary heritage of New Zealand.
Each state and territory of Australia also has specific legal deposit requirements.
"Giving AIRR&to ANZCA&and FPM research"
TheANZCA Institutional Research Repository (AIRR)has been developed to collect, preserve and promote the significant amount of important research published by college fellows and trainees.
The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) is a searchable international database indexing the creation, location and growth of open access institutional repositories and their contents.
As a researcher, depositing your data in a discipline repository can increase exposure and collaboration opportunities for your data and research.
The Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data.org) is an Open Science tool that offers researchers, funding organizations, libraries and publishers an overview of existing international repositories for research data.
Promoting my research
Various mechanisms exist to promote newly published research.
ANZCA institutional research repository(AIRR):
ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators.
Academia.edu is a social networking website for academics. The platform can be used to share papers, monitor their impact, and follow the research in a particular field.
A Google Scholar profile is a very simple way of collating your publications (and citations to them) so that others can find your work and often find an accessible copy that they can read.
Note: Articles submitted to AIRR (see above) are automatically harvested into Google Scholar.
Wiley Publishing Promotional Flyer
General information about using citations, web metrics and altmetrics.
The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is an index that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received. The calculation is based on the average number of citations received in a particular year - irrespective of source - by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.
Article-level metrics (ALMs) are citation metrics which measure the usage and impact of individual scholarly articles.
Information for determining the ALMs for an individual article can often be found on the publisher/vendor website.
Author-level metrics are citation metrics that measure the impact of individual authors, researchers, academics, and scholars. A prime example is the h-index. Other metrics originally developed for academic journals can be reported at researcher level, such as the author-level eigenfactor and the author impact factor.
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