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The Emerging Investigators Subcommittee reports to and advises the Research Committee on issues relating to the support of trainee, junior, novice and other emerging research investigators including PhD candidate researchers.
The college now has a Research Consultation Service with a dedicated Research Librarian, who will be able to assist you with your research-related queries and literature searches.
The Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Executive runs a workshop at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) on getting started in research. The workshop is aimed at people new to multi-centre research who are unsure of where to start.
The session covers:
If the local Department Scholar Role Tutor (DSRT) considers that the contribution of the trainee to a collaborative audit or research project meets the requirements for completion of the audit activity, then this SRA may be completed.
If the contribution by the trainee is not considered by the DSRT to meet criteria for the audit, then the contribution may be assessed by the DSRT (or representative) for completion of the CAP or CAT activity (for example, if an extensive literature review had been completed on the topic by the trainee).
If the audit or research leads to publication in a peer reviewed journal then the contribution of the trainee to that publication may be assessed by the SRSC as suitable for exemption for the CAP +/- CAT activities.
The trainee may appeal to the SRSC by way of a written submission. The one project cannot be used to complete both the CAP/CAT activity and the audit activity.
Roles in Practice: Scholar role library guide
The Anaesthesia Research Co-Ordinators Network(ARCN) is an informal network of anaesthesia research co-ordinators across Australia and New Zealand. Research co-ordinators are highly skilled and qualified professionals often with masters degree level qualifications who work at the coal-face of clinical trial delivery. They screen, consent and recruit patients to clinical trials and undertake high quality data follow-up. Research coordinators are vital to the success of sustainable research departments.
The Anaesthesia Research Co-ordinators Network Sub-Committee has developed a regional-based mentoring program to link in research co-ordinators with mentors. The sub-committee also runs annual workshops as part of the annual Clinical Trials Network Strategic Research Workshop to enable research co-ordinators to network with their peers, trial teams and their mentors and to discuss issues relevant to clinical trial conduct.
The in-service sessions are co-ordinated from the CTN office. The in-service sessions aim to provide engagement, discussion and education for research co-ordinators. These meetings are held monthly using the Zoom platform through Monash University. These sessions are invaluable source of information for our research coordinators, experienced and new. They have been recorded and made available to all research coordinators to listed to the session.
The annual research coordinators workshop is held as part of the Annual Strategic Research Workshop [see above]. Research co-ordinators present on topics relevant to the network and trials (for example: recruitment strategies), trouble-shooting for current trials and keynote presentations.
The research co-ordinators networking dinner is held ahead of the Annual Strategic Research Workshop [see above] to allow for research coordinators to network with their peers and mentors.
Research co-ordinators facilitating anaesthesia research are welcome to join the mailing list to receive newsletters about upcoming events, news and career and development opportunities.
Members of the Anaesthesia Research Coordinators Sub-committee are mentors for research coordinators regions across Australia and New Zealand to allow for peer support to discuss issues relevant to their jurisdiction and to be informed of news and career opportunities in their region.
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