A number of resources are available via Learn@ANZCA to:
The material includes self-paced e-learning modules as well as further reading and resources, which cover critical appraisal, clinical audit and learning and teaching.
Sections include:
These resources can be accessed via Learn@ANZCA (college ID and password required)
FPM trainee support resources > Scholar role - learning resources guides (college ID and password required)
An in-depth introduction to literature searching. After completing this Scholar Role Support Resources module, participants will have sufficient knowledge to:
This module can be accessed via Learn@ANZCA (college ID and password required): Modules >Critical appraisal module 6 > Literature searching
The library has also developed a guide to help users conduct their own literature searches on specific topics, using specialised resources (including those available via the ANZCA library).
ANZCA Scholar Role Subcommittee Statement:
If the local Department Scholar Role Tutor (DSRT) considers that the contribution of the trainee to a collaborative audit or research project meets the requirements for completion of the audit activity, then this SRA may be completed.
If the contribution by the trainee is not considered by the DSRT to meet criteria for the audit, then the contribution may be assessed by the DSRT (or representative) for completion of the CAP or CAT activity (for example, if an extensive literature review had been completed on the topic by the trainee).
If the audit or research leads to publication in a peer reviewed journal then the contribution of the trainee to that publication may be assessed by the SRSC as suitable for exemption for the CAP +/- CAT activities.
The trainee may appeal to the SRSC by way of a written submission. The one project cannot be used to complete both the CAP/CAT activity and the audit activity.
Roles in Practice: Scholar role library guide
Cook DA, Bordage G.Twelve tips on writing abstracts and titles: how to get people to use and cite your work. Med Teach. 2016:1-5.
Hautz SC, Hautz WE, Feufel MA, Spies CD.What makes a doctor a scholar: A systematic review and content analysis of outcome frameworks. BMC Med Educ. 2016;16(1):119.
Huria T, Palmer S, Beckert L, Lacey C, Pitama S. Indigenous health: designing a clinical orientation program valued by learners. BMC Med Educ. 2017;17(1): p.180.
Learn@ANZCA resources
Scholar role support resources
FPM trainee support resources > Scholar role - learning resources guides
Anaesthesia trainee toolkit
Scholar role activities - Evaluation forms and Guidelines [college website]
Quick links
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