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Critical incident debriefing toolkit: Additional resources

This final section (tab) is the collected additional resources - which can be found on the other tabs - divided into the following themes:

  1. Understanding yourself after a critical incident
  2. How to support others
  3. Team work and communication

These resources are predominantly multimedia resources with some supporting websites and articles.

1. Understanding yourself after a critical event

Wellbeing for the broken

Supporting someone with acute critical stress

This teaches about acute critical stress and how it affects people in the short and long term. Note: This video focuses on patients, although it is suitable for clinicians as well. (Duration: 3:52 mins)

Caring for ourselves with our patients after error

2. How to support others

Empathy vs sympathy

Learn the difference between empathy and sympathy in 4 short minutes. Why we want to empathise with others rather than sympathise. (Duration: 2:53 mins)

Supporting and listening to others

A police officer talks about how having to go and tell relatives that their loved one has died taught to sit in the moment and form human connection rather than try and solve anything or just fall back on policy. (Duration: 7:07 mins)


This incredible TED Talk tells the story of a clinician working in the Christchurch Earthquakes and then suffered her own personal devastation. How she survived and what she learned along the way. (Duration: 5:33 mins)

Grief & loss resources

Understanding mental health

3. Teamwork & communication


Simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and keep self-serving employees from taking more than their share. (Duration: 13:19 mins)

In our increasingly team-oriented world, the key to success is being humble, ambitious and smart. (Duration: 14:20 mins)

Psychological Safety

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