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Critical incident debriefing toolkit: 2: How to hot debrief

Understanding and acknowledging the importance of preparing for and delivering critical incident debriefing (CID), the college together with the Trainee Wellbeing Project Group (TWPG) has undertaken to develop a suite of informed, accessible and diverse training resources for fellows and trainees during and following critical incidents.

ANZCA debrief podcasts


In this talk from the simulation stream of DFTB17 Jesse talks about the challenges of debriefing outside of the simulation lab. It's not as hard as you think it is. He's going to take you through two key articles from the debriefing literature and show you how you can translate them to real life practice. (Duration: 23:20 mins)

Additional resources

Empathy vs sympathy

Learn the difference between empathy and sympathy in 4 short minutes. Why we want to empathise with others rather than sympathise. (Duration: 2:53 mins)

Supporting and listening to others

A police officer talks about how having to go and tell relatives that their loved one has died taught to sit in the moment and form human connection rather than try and solve anything or just fall back on policy. (Duration: 7:07 mins)


This incredible TED Talk tells the story of a clinician working in the Christchurch Earthquakes and then suffered her own personal devastation. How she survived and what she learned along the way. (Duration: 5:33 mins)

Grief & loss resources

Understanding mental health

Talk to us

We rely on your feedback to further develop and support user access to the Critical incident debrief (CID) toolkit. Use the link below to provide content suggestions, as well as to make recommendations, report issues, and to give general feedback.

CID toolkit feedback form