“Debriefing ideally creates a space where we can reflect on what went well and we need to consciously repeat again in the future, and what were the challenges and things we consciously would change in the future. Debriefing also allows us to acknowledge any confronting scenes or emotions that need to be normalised and shared” - (Dr) Liz Crowe
Understanding and acknowledging the importance of preparing for and delivering critical incident debriefing (CID), the college together with the Trainee Wellbeing Project Group (TWPG) has undertaken to develop a suite of informed, accessible and diverse training resources for fellows and trainees during and following critical incidents.
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Library > Library guides > Doctors' health & wellbeing > Critical incident debriefing toolkit
How to access e-resources
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What to expect from the toolkit
The toolkit has been structured into two sections.
The first section is composed of three main categories (or tabs):
Within each category you will find journal articles, fact sheets, podcasts and videos, websites, and how-to and explanatory documents.
The final section (tab) is the collected additional resources - which can be found on the other tabs - divided into the following themes:
These resources are predominantly multimedia resources with some supporting websites and articles.
Use the links below to access additional support resources contained on the Learn@ANZCA platform.
Note: Resources located in Learn@ANZCA require that you first register before accessing.
Looking for Anaesthetic incident reporting - webAIRS? Try the Anaesthetic incident reporting page.
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Critical incident response: support and hot debriefing [Internet]. Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists; 2024 [cited 2024 Sep 11]. Available from: https://libguides.anzca.edu.au/ld.php?content_id=49791933.
CPD Value: CPD participants may claim this under Knowledge and skills journal reading activity.
*All sections with journal readings can use this.
CPD Value: CPD participants may claim this under Knowledge and skills wellbeing education sessions activity. See the linked activity guide for additional educational session developer and facilitator claim notes.
*All other mediums (not journal readings) can use this.
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Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.