NEJM Interview: Dr. Loren Rabinowitz on the hurdles and frustrations that female medical trainees face in a sexist culture. This interview was recorded on June 13th, 2018.
“Women in medicine, be bold.” Medical World, powerful women are here to stay. Dr. Vineet (Vinny) Arora, Professor of Medicine at University of Chicago, an exemplary Woman in Medicine and Leadership, shares snippets of her own story, valuable career advice to folks at all levels of training, and fascinating data about the gender disparities that exist in training, promotion, and pay. We hope you’ll learn from this episode, whether you have faced or anticipate facing these struggles as a Woman in Medicine or as a member of another marginalized group, or whether you’re an ally and want to learn more about the issue. Podcast released 6th of August, 2018.
Why women get overlooked in healthcare—with Serena Williams. Serena Williams and two leading doctors from the National Institutes of Health and Oregon Health & Science University join us to discuss bias in healthcare: why women are too often misdiagnosed, incorrectly treated, or not taken seriously enough. Podcast was released 11th December, 2018.
"Work-Life Fit: Women In Medicine" Work-Life Balance: is it a myth, or attainable if we could just find the right fit? In this episode, we chat with Dr. Susan Hingle about identifying our work-life priorities and re-evaluating these priorities throughout our lives. Podcast released 13th December, 2018.
Gender & Sexual Harassment in Medicine, #MeToo" Dr. Reshma Jagsi (TIME’S UP Healthcare; UMichigan) schools us on sexual harassment and describes the systemic and cultural changes that need to happen to effect real change. She unpacks the definition of sexual harassment, describes the state of the #MeToo and TIME’s UP movements across the science and medicine fields and highlights how we all can recognize/respond to harassment. Podcast released 22nd July, 2019.