This guide has been designed for anaesthetists interested in obstetric anaesthesia to locate relevant resources on this topic, including those available through the ANZCA library.
Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy: A Practical Guide, 4e by Róisín Monteiro; Marwa Salman; Surbhi Malhotra; Steve YentisNow in its fourth edition, Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy is a concise guide to obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia. This essential text reviews every topic and clinical challenge faced during delivery and focuses on pre-empting problems and maximising quality of care. It also covers acute emergencies related to pregnancy. This new edition features eleven new chapters that cover the significant updates in the field over the last few years. Presented in a clearly structured format, this practical guide will be an invaluable source of key information for any anaesthetist encountering obstetric patients, whether they are a practised consultant or still in training.
ISBN: 9781108684729
Publication Date: 2019-04-29
Anesthesia for Cesarean Section by Giorgio Capogna [ed]This book examines every aspect of anesthesia in patients undergoing cesarean section. Anesthetic and surgical techniques are clearly described, with detailed guidance on indications and contraindications and identification of potential complications.Practical information is provided on postoperative analgesia, postoperative course and nursing, the significance of cesarean section for breastfeeding, and the occurrence of long-term problems and chronic pain after cesarean section.
ISBN: 9783319420530
Publication Date: 2017-04-09
Anesthesia for Maternal-Fetal Surgery: Concepts and Clinical Practice by Olutoyin A. Olutoye [ed]This essential book discusses the different birth defects that can be treated during pregnancy and the important anaesthetic considerations for the mother and foetus undergoing these procedures. Experts in the fields of anaesthesiology, maternal foetal medicine, surgery, and paediatrics have come together to develop the content of this book.
Atlas of Fetal Imaging: Abdomen by S. Boopathy VijayaraghavanThis atlas presents the sonographic features of the normal foetal abdomen at different gestational ages, and describes the anomalies of different organ systems in the foetal abdomen. It covers the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and abdominal wall defects with the help of numerous ultrasound images, and also addresses differential diagnosis using various sonographic images of the foetal abdomen, as well as effective diagnostic approaches for these conditions
ISBN: 9789811309311
Publication Date: 2018-09-26
Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia : Principles and Practice, 6e by Chestnut, et al.Comprehensive, user-friendly, and up to date, Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, provides the authoritative clinical information you need to provide optimal care to your patients. This substantially revised edition keeps you current on everything from basic science to anesthesia techniques to complications, including coverage of new research that is paving the way for improved patient outcomes.
Chronic Pelvic Pain by William Ledger; William D. Schlaff; Thierry G. Vancaillie [eds]Chronic Pelvic Pain discusses how to diagnose a broad scope of underlying conditions presenting in relation to pelvic pain in women and their treatment. Starting with an anatomical review from a pain point of view, several chapters continue to explore specific conditions such as vulvodynia, the often overlooked painful bladder syndrome and pelvic inflammatory disease.
ISBN: 9781107478084
Publication Date: 2014-12-18
Controversies in Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia by Ian McConachie [ed]The provision of anesthesia during childbirth still generates considerable debate; opinions vary widely within the obstetric anesthesia community over issues such as the effect of anaesthetic drugs on the foetal brain and the choice between different epidural techniques. Controversies in Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia debates these and other clinical management controversies encountered in daily practice, providing practical advice on how to manage each clinical problem.
ISBN: 9780521171830
Publication Date: 2011-11-17
Datta's Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook by Scott Segal; Bhavani Shankar Kodali; Gouri Datta [eds]For more than two decades, anaesthetists and obstetricians have turned to this handbook as the definitive reference for obstetric anesthesia. Authoritative yet concise, it has been designed as a practical guide to all aspects of anesthesia for childbirth and related obstetric procedures, including perinatal pharmacology, relief of labour pain, foetal monitoring, anesthesia for caesarean delivery, high risk pregnancy, and in vitro fertilization. The sixth edition of Datta's Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook has been revised to update the content and help expedite the retrieval of the most pertinent information. It also acknowledges the unequalled contribution by the late Dr. Sanjay Datta to this popular reference and includes updated chapters on "Pain of Labor and Delivery," "High-Risk Pregnancy," and "Maternal Mortality and Morbidity." An appendix includes the most recent national guidelines for obstetric anesthesia and with numerous illustrations and tables throughout the text, as well as updates regarding new medications and techniques, this esteemed handbook is more valuable than ever before.
ISBN: 9783031418921
Publication Date: 2024-02-01
The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 12e by Persaud TProviding an easy-to-digest, comprehensive review of what can be a complex and challenging subject, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 12e, covers all aspects of normal and abnormal embryonic and foetal development. In a clear, concise manner, this lavishly illustrated text has been extensively revised to incorporate recent research and current clinical practice guidelines, meeting the needs of medical and health sciences students as well as those in graduate programs. Online features include multiple-choice questions and narrated animations to further support student success.
ISBN: 9780443117404
Publication Date: 2025
Emergencies in Anaesthesia, 3e by Alastair Martin; Andrew McIndoe; Keith Allman [eds]The updated third edition of Emergencies in Anaesthesia is a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered during, and immediately following, anaesthesia. Re-structured to follow the ABCDE emergency approach, this handbook guides the clinician through what to do and when, in a format that can be used rapidly.
ISBN: 9780198758143
Publication Date: 2020-11-17
Epidural Anaesthesia: Images, Problems and Solutions by Clive CollierEpidural Anaesthesia: Images, Problems and Solutions brings together the most comprehensive collection of post-block epidurograms in the world into a single volume. With accompanying X-rays and contrast injection images, it clearly explains why an epidural block has failed and provides practical advice on how to avoid complications in the future. Key featuers: Contains over 180 clearly labelled X-rays and contrast injection images to help you learn using these examples. Uses X-rays and contrast injection images rather than more complext imaging technologies, to allow quick assessment of blocks in the most basic radiology department. Written by a world-renowned expert, providing consistency of style and approach throughout. Companion website contains downloadable images as well as moving X-rays of contrast injection, 3D reconstructions and explanatory cartoons. This unique book for specialist and trainee anaesthetists demonstrates, with simple X-rays and contrast injection, why epidurals are occasionally imperfect. Epidural Anaesthesia: Images, Problems and Solutions will enable you to refine your technique and avoid adverse outcomes in practice.
ISBN: 9781444156041
Publication Date: 2012-02-07
Epidural Labor Analgesia: Childbirth without Pain by Giorgio Capogna [ed]This book offers an in-depth examination of labor pain and analgesia with the aim of promoting natural childbirth without pain. All aspects of the subject are covered, including the latest techniques of delivering labor analgesia. Importantly, emphasis is placed on a holistic approach, detailed attention being paid to the humanization of childbirth and behavioral aspects in addition to evidence-based medicine. Potential future developments are also addressed, with discussion of opportunities that have yet to be realized. In order to ensure that the text is easily readable for trainees as well as established practitioners, chapters have been restricted to a manageable length and information is presented clearly and succinctly. Step-by-step tutorials and boxes highlighting practical points are used to clarify technical aspects. The authors include both well-established experts and young emerging professionals from various European countries, ensuring an intercultural perspective.
ISBN: 9783-319138909
Publication Date: 2015-03-30
Epidural Technique in Obstetric Anesthesia by Giorgio CapognaThis book represents a unique and substantial guide, and will bring anaesthesiologists up-to-date on advances in the neuraxial technique and its applications in obstetrics. Today the epidural block is almost exclusively of interest to obstetric anesthesiologists, and how it is taught increasingly coincides with its applications in obstetrics.
Handbook of Obstetric Anesthesia by Michael J. Paech; R. D'Angelo; Craig M. Palmer; Robert D'Angelo [eds]This illustrated title seeks to provide an accessible introduction to obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia. With only three principal authors, there is a consistency of style within a comprehensive textbook that presents the basic science, pharmacology and clinical practice relevant to obstetric anaesthesia. Chapters cover topics such as analgesia during labour, anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia for caesarean delivery, major obstetric and anaesthetic complications, evaluation of the foetus and resuscitation of the neonate, and common clinical scenarios such as management of pre-eclampsia, obesity, multiple gestation and co-existing disease.
ISBN: 9781859962329
Publication Date: 2001-06-15
How to Teach the Epidural Block in Obstetric Anesthesia by Giorgio Capogna [ed}This book highlights the distinction between "how to teach" and "how to practice," emphasizing the importance of effective teaching skills in conveying information and skills to others. The authors' extensive experience and research make this book a comprehensive and authoritative guide to effective teaching methods for the challenging task of teaching the epidural technique.
ISBN: 9783031702105
Publication Date: 2024-11-01
Obstetric Anaesthesia, 2e by Rachel Collis; Sarah Harries; Abrie Theron [eds]The Oxford Specialist Handbook in Obstetric Anaesthesia returns for a second edition with updated practical management advice for medical and nursing staff in a portable, accessible format. An invaluable quick-reference resource for all consultant anaesthetists and SAS doctors involved in obstetric anaesthesia, as well as a succinct exam revision aid for the FRCA, this go-to guide provides incisive coverage of all aspects of the sub-specialty.
ISBN: 9780199688524
Publication Date: 2021-02-10
Obstetric Anesthesia by Alan Santos; Kallol Ray Chaudhuri; Jonathan EpsteinUnderstand the anesthetic management challenges of the obstetric patient with this complete primer and review Obstetric Anesthesia is a clear, concise, and practical manual covering the basics of obstetric anesthesiology and the principles of basic management at the point of care. This essential introductory text covers the fundamental topics in an efficient and highly clinical manner. Numerous tables, bulleted lists, and text boxes highlight key issues such as common co-existing diseases and conditions that may affect anesthetic management. Obstetric Anesthesia features thirty chapters grouped into six logical sections: Pregnancy Providing Anesthesia Anesthetic Complications Obstetric Complications Common Co-Morbidities During Pregnancy Trauma During Pregnancy
ISBN: 9780071786133
Publication Date: 2015-03-23
Obstetric Anesthesia (Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics) by Robert R. Gaiser; Onyi OnuohaDrs. Robert Gaiser and Oni Onuoha have assembled an expert team of authors on the topic of "Obstetric Anesthesia". Article topics include: Epidural Analgesia for Labor: Continuous Infusion vs Programmed Intermittent Bolus; Prophylaxis and Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage; The Use of Ultrasound in Obstetric Anesthesia; Huddles and Debriefings: Improving Communication on Labor and Delivery; General Anesthesia during the Third Trimester: Any Link to Neurocognitive Outcomes; Obstetric and Anesthetic Approaches to External Cephalic Version; Update in the Management of Patients with Pre-Eclampsia; Optimal Pain Management After Cesarean Delivery; Should Nitrous Oxide be Used for the Laboring Patient?; Tilts and Full Stomach: Changes in Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery; and Post-Dural Puncture Headache: An Evidence Based Approach.
ISBN: 9780323509725
Publication Date: 2017-02-03
Obstetric Anesthesia: A Case-Based and Visual Approach by Thomas L. Archer [ed]With 32 engaging and dramatic cases and 174 colorful, insightful and innovative graphics, this book takes a fresh, creative and highly visual approach to the fundamentals of obstetric anesthesia as well as emerging knowledge and three emerging technologies: 1) pre-procedural ultrasound to facilitate neuraxial block placement, 2) point-of-care transthoracic echocardiography to guide maternal resuscitation, and 3) electrical cardiometry to trend maternal cardiac output and avoid fetal hypoxia.
ISBN: 9783030264765
Publication Date: 2020-02-21
Obstetric Anesthesia: Quick References & Practical Guides by Philip E. Hess; Yunping Li; John J. Kowalczyk; Justin K. StilesThis succinct, evidence-based guide provides everything you need to provide safe, effective care to pregnant women in subacute and emergent situations A quick-reference guide designed for on-the-spot clinical guidance, Obstetric Anesthesia: Quick References & Practical Guides fills a gap in the current literature by distilling the information of a comprehensive textbook into a quick review and providing standard instructions that can be integrated into everyday practice.
ISBN: 9781264671465
Publication Date: 2023-07-28
Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders, 3e by David R. Gambling; M. Joanne Douglas; Grace Lim [eds]A thoroughly revised third edition of the acclaimed textbook for caregivers involved in the management of pregnant women with uncommon diseases or an unusual or rare condition. The book offers valuable case reports and experience collated by an international team of editors and contributors who are leading experts in the field. This edition contains five additional chapters covering topics like cardiac and neuraxial point of care ultrasound, substance abuse, rare inherited conditions, and anesthesia for rare foetal and placental conditions. Clear, concise management guidelines and algorithms are provided, and each chapter is written from the viewpoint of the obstetric anaesthetist. Numerous tables, figures and photographs provide visual aids and each chapter contains valuable clinical insights highlighting the essential facts. Featuring updated figures and references, links to useful websites for further reading and a list of commonly used abbreviations.
ISBN: 9781009319768
Publication Date: 2024-02-01
Obstetric Anesthesia for Co-Morbid Conditions by Berrin Gunaydin; Samina Ismail [eds]This book presents general measures and offers a comprehensive overview of anesthetic considerations for specific serious medical problems in pregnant patients, with a focus on the anesthetic management of non-obstetric disorders during pregnancy and pregnancy-induced diseases. Although many books on this topic are available, this unique volume addresses specific disorders that may be encountered in daily obstetric anesthesia practice and discusses in detail serious medical problems during pregnancy. As such it is a valuable tool, providing targeted information particularly on the anesthetic considerations and management of not only non-obstetric diseases during pregnancy but also pregnancy- induced diseases.
ISBN: 9783319931623
Publication Date: 2018
Obstetric Anesthesia Practice, 1e by Alan Kaye; Richard Urman [eds]Obstetric Anesthesia Practice is a timely update in the field, providing a concise, evidence-based, and richly illustrated book for students, trainees, and practicing clinicians. Comprehensive in scope, this book addresses the essential topics necessary for the practitioner to quickly assess the patient and risk stratify them, decide on the type of analgesic and anaesthetic plan most appropriate as well as its feasibility and safety, provide expert consultation to the other members of the obstetric team, manage anaesthesia care and complications, and arrange for advanced care if needed.
ISBN: 9780190099824
Publication Date: 2021-03-05
Obstetric Anesthesiology: An Illustrated Case-Based Approach by Tauqeer Husain; Roshan Fernando; Scott Segal [eds]This book provides concise, case-based discussion on the clinical scenarios and challenges faced in the provision of anesthesia and pain relief for expectant mothers. In the style of problem-based learning, each case is presented as a short scenario, followed by discussion of the causes, risk factors, management and controversies involved. The textbook features a wide range of cases, from common clinical scenarios that are experienced in day-to-day practice to the rare but significant pathologies less familiar to most clinicians.
ISBN: 9781107095649
Publication Date: 2019-03-21
Obstetrics Essentials: A Question-Based Review by Kate C Arnold, Caroline J FlintThis book is a compact question-based review of the most critical topics an obstetrician will come across in practice. Each chapter includes 10-30 multiple-choice questions designed to test the readers understanding surrounding one obstetric topic. Based on all 45 obstetric based practice bulletins by ACOG, this text is designed to keep practitioners up-to-date with the latest evidence based medicine. Sample topics include: anemia in pregnancy, screening for fetal chromosomal abnormalities, and vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery. This is an ideal tool for attendings and clerkship directors who frequently test residents and medical students during rounds and in the classroom. This review also proves useful for practicing physicians and physicians-in-training who want to self-evaluate their comprehension and study for board examinations.
ISBN: 9783319576756
Publication Date: 2017
Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia by Vicki Clark; Marc Van de Velde; Roshan Fernando [eds]The Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia provides an up-to-date summary of the scientific basis, assessment for and provision of anaesthesia throughout pregnancy and labour. This highly authoritative textbook is conceptually divided into nine sections, detailing maternal and foetal physiology, foetal and neonatal assessment and therapy, anaesthesia before and during pregnancy, labour and vaginal delivery, anaesthesia for caesarean delivery, anaesthetic and obstetric complications, as well as systemic disease.
ISBN: 9780198713333
Publication Date: 2016
Perinatology: Evidence-Based Best Practices in Perinatal Medicine by Renato Augusto Moreira de Sá; Eduardo Borges da Fonseca [eds]This book presents the latest evidence-based guidelines for perinatal management and is designed to help obstetricians and neonatologists minimize complications and offer patients the best possible care. Since 1960, there has been a significant increase in basic and clinical investigations on normal and pathological pregnancy in the developed world. This has provided insights into the physiopathology of pregnant women, fetuses and newborns and led to the development of new technologies, bringing about a new medical subspecialty: perinatal medicine. The book is divided into eight main sections: The first examines basic periconceptional care and discusses the ethical aspects of perinatology. The next section focuses on prenatal considerations, such as the nutritional aspects of gestation and puerperium, physical exercise during pregnancy, routine laboratory tests, prenatal care of multiple gestations and the role of the neonatologist in prenatal care. The third and fourth sections then explore fetal evaluation, and clinical intercurrences in pregnancy, respectively. The next section addresses pregnancy complications: prevention, diagnosis and management. The sixth section covers the basic aspects of congenital infections and the seventh examines labor and delivery aspects. Lastly, the final section includes chapters on neonatal assistance. Written by leading experts in obstetrics, neonatology, and perinatology, this thoroughly updated, comprehensive resource reflects the latest information in all areas, including genetics and imaging.
ISBN: 9783030834340
Publication Date: 2022-11-20
Peripartum Care of the Pregnant Patient: A Question-And-Answer Review for Anesthesiologists and Obstetricians by Ashish C. Sinha; Ioana F. Pasca [eds]Are you an anesthesiologist or obstetrician navigating the complex landscape of peripartum care? The intricacies of managing pregnant patients during the critical peripartum period are covered in this concise and practical question-and-answer review. This book promotes learning evidence-based current knowledge on the clinical aspects of the obstetric parturient from the standpoint of anesthesiology, obstetrics, surgery, paediatrics, and public health. Each topic is initiated with several multiple-choice questions, mimicking the ABA and other board certification exams. Chapters are authored by contributors from multiple specialties offering their expert guidance based on evidence-based guidelines as well as their clinical experience.
ISBN: 9783031627552
Publication Date: 2024-09-04
Point-Of-Care Ultrasound for the Neonatal and Pediatric Intensivist: A Practical Guide on the Use of POCUS by Yogen Singh; Cecile Tissot; Maria Victoria Fraga; Thomas Conlon [eds]This book, written by internationally renowned experts, is a comprehensive text covering all aspects and recommendations regarding the use of POCUS for critically ill neonates and children. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) for the Neonatal and Pediatric Intensivist is structured to address and expand upon recently published international evidence-based POCUS guidelines endorsed by the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC). The book is richly illustrated and includes a robust collection of individual POCUS images and cases. The Electronic Supplementary Materials offer high quality and interesting video clips complementing reader learning, particularly for neonatology, pediatric critical care, and general pediatric providers. Chapter authors provide a practical, experience-based approach to clinical integration of POCUS applications and highlight relevant supportive literature as well as important limitations to POCUS use in the management of critically ill children. The information within the book is also intended to support further clinical and educational research in the practice of pediatric POCUS.
ISBN: 978-3-031-26538-9
Publication Date: 2023-08-25
A Practical Approach to Obstetric Anesthesia, 2e by David Gambling; Curtis Baysinger; Brenda BucklinSuccessfully combining the comprehensive depth of a textbook and the user-friendly features of a practical handbook, A Practical Approach to Obstetric Anesthesia, 2nd Edition, is a portable resource for both experienced and novice clinicians. Focusing on clinical issues in obstetric anesthesia, it uses an easy-to-follow outline format for quick reference, enhanced with numerous tables, figures, and photographs. The use of color in this edition highlights key information and improves readability for daily practice and study.
ISBN: 9781469882864
Publication Date: 2016-03-03
A Practical Guide to Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) by Arunangshu Chakraborty; Ashokka Balakrishnan [eds]This book covers point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in a practical, problem oriented and illustrated manner. It begins with introduction to the basic principles of medical ultrasound imaging and ultrasound guided interventions and outlines point of care ultrasound in a lucid manner for rapid learning for medical students as well as practitioners. It contains chapters on ultrasound of the airways, thoracic ultrasound including lungs and transthoracic screening echocardiogram, vascular assessment, ultrasound of the abdomen for focussed trauma assessment, gastric volume assessment and ultrasound guided interventions such as vascular cannulations, pleurocentesis, etc. along with some of the latest point of care ultrasound techniques such as ocular assessment and assessment of the foetus and placenta in the operation theatre. This book will help the intensivist, emergency physician and anaesthesiologist to learn the basics of POCUS, which ostensibly, is the future of medical practice. It also includes objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) questions after every chapter as well as multiple choice questions (MCQs) that will benefit the students greatly. The book also includes videos from some of the celebrated practitioners of POCUS providing a unique learning experience. This book is suited for students, trainees and practitioners alike. The modules of POCUS described here are part of the curriculum of anaesthesiology in the UK, USA, Singapore, Australia/ New Zealand and most of the countries. The book also covers the curriculum of POCUS in critical care and emergency medicine courses.
ISBN: 9789811676864
Publication Date: 2022-09-11
Practical Guide to Simulation in Delivery Room Emergencies by Gilda Cinnella; Renata Beck; Antonio Malvasi [eds]In this book the use of hybrid simulation in delivery room emergencies is described and shown. The use of a patient actor combined with a task trainer within the same session substantially improve the training for practical management of intrapartum emergencies in real life, reducing the risk of failure of operative vaginal delivery and of related adverse events, including perinatal or maternal complications. Furthermore, simulation with high reality computerized mannequin and scenography of emergency situation can improve technical and manual skills of the participants. For this book and the related videos, a new generation of mannequins suitable for both clinical manoeuvres and ultrasound examination is used to simulate all clinical scenarios of emergency that can happen in the delivery room for both the mother and the child. This unique book is a useful tool for medical students, residents, practicing pediatricians, anesthetists, obstetricians and all health care professionals working in the delivery room in their ability to deal with critical and emergency situations with safety and good medical practice.
ISBN: 9783031100673
Publication Date: 2023-06-13
Principles and Practice of Maternal Critical Care by Sharon Einav; Carolyn F. Weiniger; Ruth Landau [eds]This book contains a collection of the most recent insights regarding maternal morbidity and mortality and optimization of the care processes during acute critical illness. The volume represents a practical resource to be used in real-time by medical practitioners faced with a woman who is critically ill during pregnancy and the peripartum period.
ISBN: 9783030434762
Publication Date: 2020-11-26
Quick Hits in Obstetric Anesthesia by Roshan Fernando; Pervez Sultan; Sioned Phillips [eds]This book provides easy to follow guidance on how to manage emergency situations and common problems in obstetric anesthesia. The book provides different anaesthetic recipes for obstetric procedures and describes challenges that will be encountered on a day-to-day basis. There are trouble-shooting chapters and 'what to o lists' for frequent dilemmas.
ISBN: 9783030724863
Publication Date: 2022-02-08
Shnider and Levinson's Anesthesia for Obstetrics, 5e by Maya S. Suresh, Scott Segal, Roanne L. Preston, Roshan Fernando, C. LaToya MasonNow in a fully updated Fifth Edition, Shnider and Levinson's Anesthesia for Obstetrics, continues to provide the comprehensive coverage that has made it the leading reference in the field. The rising number of Cesarean births and the more advanced age of first-time mothers in the United States have brought with them an increased risk for complications, making the role of the obstetric anesthesiologist increasingly important.Procedures
ISBN: 9781451114355
Publication Date: 2013-01-01
Updates in Intensive Care of OBGY Patients by Nissar Shaikh; Umm E. Amara; Firdos Ummunnisa [eds]This book presents the updated management of acute and critically ill obstetric and gynecological patients. It describes patients' care with pregnancy-induced medical disorders, comorbidities, and gynecological (OBGY) conditions requiring acute and intensive care support therapy. This book will guide early diagnosis and speedy management of life-threatening conditions. Chapters provide a comprehensive and systemic approach in an easy-to-understand format. Along with diseases and comorbidities of pregnancy, acute illness and its management caused by in vitro fertilization (IVF) are focused on, and a dedicated chapter about COVID-19 infection in obstetric patients is provided. Updates in Intensive Care of OBGY Patients will support intensivists, obstetricians, gynecologists, acute care physicians, and surgeons. Residents, fellows, specialists, and other junior medical staff working in intensive care units will also value this source. It will also help to broaden the understanding of nurses and paramedical staff in intensive care therapy.
Anesthesia and the Fetus by Yehuda Ginosar; Ahmet Baschat; Stephen H. Halpern; Felicity Reynolds; Carl Weiner [eds]Anesthesia and the Fetus integrates into one volume the multidisciplinary components of fetal development fetal pharmacology assessments of fetal and neonatal outcome anesthesia and analgesia during pregnancy anesthesia and analgesia during labor ethics and law.
Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, 6th ed. by Chestnut, et al.Comprehensive, user-friendly, and up to date, Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, provides the authoritative clinical information you need to provide optimal care to your patients. This substantially revised edition keeps you current on everything from basic science to anesthesia techniques to complications, including coverage of new research that is paving the way for improved patient outcomes.
Obstetric Anesthesia by Craig M. Palmer; Robert D'Angelo; Michael J. PaechIn the United States, over half of pregnant women receive some form of anesthesia for their deliveries; this translates into well over 2 million anesthetics per year. With this new handbook, anesthesiologists have easy access to step-by-step, to-the-point information on how to manage patients in specific situations. Every aspect of obstetric anesthesia practice is covered, including patient evaluation, anesthesia for labor and delivery, anesthesia for cesarean delivery, management of patients with concurrent medical problems, management of obstetric emergencies, fetal assessment, and neonatal resuscitation. Distilled, synthesized text is complemented by a generous number of tables, charts, figures and flow diagrams, all presented in accessible handbook format.
The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.
The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.