This guide has been designed for ANZCA and FPM researchers utilising AIRR | ANZCA Institutional Research Repository.
"Giving AIRR to ANZCA and FPM research"
What's new?
The library has recently completed an extensive upgrade of the AIRR platform.
What is AIRR
The ANZCA Institutional Research Repository (AIRR) has been developed to collect, preserve and promote the significant amount of important research published by college fellows and trainees.
AIRR is an institutional repository that identifies, captures, stores, and facilitates retrieval of the research and publication output of the college and the wider ANZCA community (such as non-funded fellows, trainees and staff) for the collaborative benefit of local and global clinicians, researchers and health educators. It is possible for fellows and trainees to register as a user, create a researcher profile and - once authorised - self-submit their research publications and outcomes. The repository provides a single point of access for current and comprehensive research outcomes and a portfolio for college researchers/authors on an international scale.
We are actively seeking new and emerging researchers, who would like to register and start contributing their publications through self-submission; help set-up a researcher profile; or provide comment/feedback.
Fellow & trainee publications
All content of the Fellow and Trainee publications library guide has moved to AIRR | ANZCA Institutional Research Repository.
Content to be included in AIRR:
A complete copy of the selection criteria framework can be found here:
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