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This is due to HSTS redirection issues on external servers preventing the user from properly authenticating.
Users with persistent issues should contact the library for further assistance.
Our dedicated anaesthesia training resources guide provides resource support for all parts of the anaesthesia training program and curriculum, as well as an extensive list of assessment and exam resources.
Our dedicated CPD program resources guide provides resource support for all parts of the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program, covering every activity in the CPD curriculum.
New private practice resources hub
As part of our commitment to provide dedicated support to private practice doctors, the library has launched a new Private Practice Resources Support hub. This hub brings to together a number of key resources - including clinical decision tools - to help support private practice clinicians.
New private practice resources hub
As part of our strategy to expand dedicated resourcing for our private practice fellows, the college is undertaking a 90 day trial of the DynaMed clinical decision tool.
Latest training-related titles
Recent articles of interest
Latest titles
Recent articles of interest
Pain medicine training guides updates
Following the college website update, as well as Learn@ANZCA resourcing updates, the Pain Medicine Training resources guide has had a number of updates. A new Latest news and updates blog has also been added. It is possible for pain medicine trainees to subscribe to this blog to receive notifications of information and resource updates via e-mail.
Latest pain-related titles
Recent articles of interest
Latest pain-related titles
Recent articles of interest
ANZCA signs first no-cost open-access publishing agreement
ANZCA has signed an agreement with Springer Medicine publishing which provides ANZCA researchers with the opportunity to publish their articles at no-cost in Springer/Palgrave hybrid journals. This includes such journals as: Journal of Anesthesia, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Current Pain and Headache Reports plus many more.
Latest books
A round up of recently added anaesthesia-related titles.
Recent articles of interest
Latest articles
A round up of recently NZ-related articles:
Latest books
NZ print collection
Did you know that the NZ office has its own print collection available for loan? Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.
Assessment resourcing update
The Assessments section of the
Anaesthesia Training Resources guide has been updated to remove the old IAACQ page, as this has been replaced by a new Introductory Training (IT) assessments page. This new page contains LO information and dedicated forms/resourcing to be used with the assessments.
The new Patient Clinical Interaction Assessment (PCIA) page is also in place and contains the new PCIA Implementation guide and dedicated forms/resourcing to be used with the PCIA assessment.
A new Latest news and updates blog has also been added to the Anaesthesia Training Resources guide. It is possible for trainees to subscribe to this blog to receive notifications of information and resource updates via e-mail.
Latest books
A round up of recently added training & exams-related titles, including the latest editions of Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Hung's Difficult and Failed Airway.
Latest articles of interest
Latest books
A round up of recently added anaesthesia-related titles.
Recent articles of interest
Latest books
A round up of recently added pain-related titles.
Latest articles of interest
Latest books
A round up of recently added anaesthesia and critical care titles.
Recent articles of interest
Recent articles
NZ fellows, Drs Heidi Omundsen and Renee Franklin were co-authors on a recent paper on perioperative decision making. Prof Jenny Weller, has recently published an article on failed intubations.
Recent books
A recently released book on "Nurse practitioners and nurse anesthetists" has a chapter on Nurse Practitioners in New Zealand
NZ print collection
Did you know that the NZ office has its own print collection available for loan? Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.
New DSM Library collection
The college has just commenced a subscription to the DSM Library collection, which provides online access to a suite of DSM-5-related titles including: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5e, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), DSM-5-TR® Clinical Cases and DSM-5-TR® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis.
Latest books
Pain-related titles recently added to the collection include new books on cancer pain and regenerative medicine in interventional pain management.
A number of highlighted podcasts have been added to the Podcasts and Online lectures section of the Pain Medicine Training guide.
Latest articles of interest
Updates to PEx recommended reading list
The new (10th) edition of Miller's Anesthesia is now available. Other new titles include Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology Handbook and a new edition of Anesthesiology Core Review.
Spotlight on doctor wellbeing
Get ready for ANZCA Wellbeing Week next month with the latest resources from ANZCA Library. Below you'll find some of our top picks for doctor health and wellbeing, as well as some other great new items. For more wellbeing resources, please visit our dedicated library resource guide below:
Recent articles of interest
New DSM Library collection
The college has just commenced a subscription to the DSM Library collection, which provides online access to a suite of DSM-5-related titles including: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5e, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), DSM-5-TR® Clinical Cases and DSM-5-TR® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis.
Latest books
Pain-related titles recently added to the collection include new books on cancer pain and regenerative medicine in interventional pain management.
Recent articles of interest
A number of new pain-related articles have recently been added to the library guides.
Latest books
A new edition of Brown's Atlas of Regional Anesthesia plus books on coaching and wellbeing.
Recent articles of interest
A number of new articles by our FANZCAs have recently been added to the library guides, including an informative correspondence and a feature on nitrous oxide leaks.
Library staff at the Aotearoa NZ Anaesthesia ASM 2024
As in previous years, ANZCA library staff will be attending the ANZCA booth at the November meeting in Auckland. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the resources we provide to support trainees, fellows and CPD Participants. So, if you'd like to learn more about the revised and expanded CPD resources guide, the upgraded PEx list, set up the Read by QxMD app or learn more about LibKey, then this is your chance.
Latest articles
A round up of recent articles with an Aotearoa New Zealand focus:
NZ print collection
Did you know that the NZ office has its own print collection available for loan? Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.
Updates to PEx recommended reading list
We're delighted to report that after many years of trying that West's Respiratory Physiology is finally available online for the very first time!
Latest titles
New editions of Coté, Lerman and Anderson’s and Katzung's are now available.
Recent articles of interest
A number of new education-related articles have recently been added to the library guides.
Expanded resourcing for CPD Program participants
ANZCA library - in conjunction with the ANZCA & FPM CPD Program - have launched a REVISED & EXPANDED guide for ANZCA & FPM CPD Program Resources. The expanded guide now covers every activity in the current CPD curriculum and provides information, suggestions and resource support for the entire CPD program. This joins the recently launched CPD for Clinical Support Roles guide for CPD participants working in clinical support roles and/or without direct patient care.
Latest articles
Recent articles by ANZCA fellows plus a new article on developing "green" operating rooms.
Latest books
The latest edition of Care of Adults with Chronic Childhood Conditions is now available.
Pain medicine training guide/ETA essentials
Looking for pain medicine training resources or ETA readings? Then check out the Pain Medicine Training Resources guide!
Latest books
Pain-related titles recently added to the collection include new books on CRPS and managing chronic pain.
Special Issue
Neuromodulation recently released a special edition, Neuromodulation for Pain and Headache Disorders.
Recent articles of interest
A number of new pain-related articles have recently been added to the library guides.
Latest titles
Several new titles have been added to the collection, including the Handbook of Cardiac Critical Care and Anaesthesia, a new edition of Goldman-Cecil Medicine, and Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2025.
Latest articles
Recent articles by ANZCA fellows, including Prof David A Scott, Assoc Prof Stuart Marshall, ;and Assoc Prof Benjamin Cheung.
Latest articles
A round up of recent articles with an Aotearoa New Zealand focus:
Podcast spotlight
New Zealand Anaesthesia podcast can be claimed as time under the ANZCA knowledge and skills, learning sessions activity. After listening simply use a screenshot as evidence when adding this activity to your dashboard.
NZ print collection
Did you know that the NZ office has its own print collection available for loan? Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.
Updates to PEx recommended reading list
The college's primary exam team are reviewing the content of the PEx recommended reading list, with the following changes having recently been made:
Latest titles
Gray's anatomy for students has been added to the recommended reading list. In addition, several new exam prep titles have been added.
Latest articles
One recent article, co-written by two FANZCAs, discusses the factors considered critical in securing an anaesthetic training position.
Latest titles
Several new titles have been added to the collection, including the Cambridge Handbook of Anesthesiology and Devices in Cardiac Critical Care.
Latest articles
Recent articles by ANZCA fellows, including Prof. Paul Myles and Prof. Laurence Weinberg.
Latest books
The latest edition of Waldman's Principles of Critical Care is now available, plus a new text on pain procedures.
Latest articles
A focus on recent pain-related articles, including one by two FPM fellows:
Latest books
The latest edition of Waldman's Physical Diagnosis of Pain is now available. There is also a new book examining the pioneering work of John Loeser.
Latest articles of interest
A round up of the latest articles, including one on whether anaesthesia in AUS/NZ is still a "boys club".
Latest articles of interest
A recent article by a final year medical student highlighting the benefits of conducting a period of elective study, particularly in terms of personal and professional development
NZ print collection
Did you know that the NZ office has its own print collection available for loan? Requested items are delivered/returned via courier free-of-charge.
Latest books
The latest edition of Cottrell and Patel's Neuroanesthesia is now available online. In addition, we've been enhancing some of the SSU resources, including a brand new book on local anaesthesia in dentistry.
Are you a new trainee? If so be sure to check out our Anaesthesia training resources guide!
Training and exams hub:
The Training and Exams hub has been designed for trainees and educators participating in the ANZCA, FPM, RGA and DHM training programs to identify suitable training and exam resources, it includes online access to course-specific resource guides, the Primary Exam Reading List, specific texts, and links to exam reports.
SOT induction modules and support hub:
The SOT support hub highlights all the resources relevant to the SOT role, which also includes links to the new SOT induction modules.
Latest books
A new cardiopulmonary bypass title, and an EMS simulation title have both been added to the collection.
AI in health focus
The ANZCA library has just launched a new guide looking at AI in health. We've also highlighted a new AI in Anesthesiology book!
Latest articles
Several recent articles including one on AI for surgical services in ANZ.
Latest articles of interest
Auckland-based Professor Simon Mitchell recently authored a supplement for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine offering a comprehensive overview of decompression illness. Professor Mitchell also recently co-authored a case report with Drs Challen and Richards. Waikato-based fellow, Dr Kelly Byrne recently co-authored an editorial on revascularization for JCVA Christchurch-based fellow, Dr Susan Nicoll recently authored a letter to the editor on simulation training for A&A.
Latest articles
Several recent articles on pain with an Australian/New Zealand focus.
Latest books
We have a new book on interventional pain procedures.
Latest books
The latest edition of Clinical Anesthesia is now available online. In addition, there is new book on emergency anesthesia procedures.
Latest articles
An article spotlighting the I-Excel course for SIMGs.
Due to a significant and unsustainable price increase, the ANZCA Library will discontinue its online subscription to the British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) from 1 January 2022.
See the complete college news item for more information.
With this change, college members will continue to receive the following free online access to the BJA:
This content will be available through the library’s discovery service, journals list, apps and other linking tools and platforms. It will also be possible to request any newer articles not online through the library free-of-cost.
Any current college fellow, trainee, or SIMG, can also take out a personal subscription to the BJA at a heavily discounted rate.
See the college BJA personal subscriptions page for more information
Need a quiet study space? Fellows and trainees are encouraged to use the Library (which has a study/discussion space for up to 3 people) and the Fellows Room (which has a discussion space for up to 5 people) whenever visiting the college in Melbourne.
Free access to the college wi-fi service is also available on site.
Quick links
Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.