This page contains a list of articles about conducting literature searches. Additionally, there is information about how to locate quality journals with the view of publishing your research.
How to access journals
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For further information about searching and accessing journals, see the Journals guide
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Use the discovery service Libraries Worldwide option to search and request content not held by the ANZCA library.
When searching the library discovery service, some content can only be accessed by expanding your search to Libraries Worldwide. In addition, by searching Libraries Worldwide, you can request any articles/book chapters not held but indexed in Medline.
Simply select the Libraries Worldwide option in the left sidebar or select the Do you want to expand your search to Libraries Worldwide? link in the library discovery service.
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Baumann, N. (2016), How to use the medical subject headings (MeSH). International Journal of Clinical Practice, 70: 171–174.
Knowing how to use Medical Subject Headings improves the efficiency and quality of one's literature searches. Medical Subject Headings can be used to increase precision and efficiency when searching, however, they are not always used, even for systematic reviews. This article provides a guide to the use of Medical Subject Headings, using as little library jargon as possible. MeSH can be used to construct precise and sensitive search strategies for use in daily practice as well as systematic reviews.
Chong HT, Weightman MJ, Sirichai P, Jones A. How do junior medical officers use online information resources? A survey. BMC Med Educ. 2016;16(1):120.
Cook DA,BordageG.Twelve tips on writing abstracts and titles: how to get people to use and cite your work. Med Teach. 2016:1-5.
Choi AR, Cheng DL, Greenberg PB. Twelve tips for medical students to conduct a systematic review. Medical Teacher. 2019;41(4):471-475.
Sessler DI, Imrey PB. Clinical research methodology 1: Study designs and methodologic sources of error. Anesth Analg. 2015;121(4):1034-1042.
Sessler DI, Imrey PB. Clinical research methodology 2: Observational clinical research. Anesth Analg. 2015;121(4):1043-1051.
Sessler DI, Imrey PB. Clinical research methodology 3: Randomized controlled trials. Anesth Analg. 2015;121(4):1052-1064.
Whiting P, et al. (2016),ROBIS: A new tool to assess risk of bias in systematic reviews was developed. J Clin Epidemiol, 69: 225-234. ROBIS is the first rigorously developed tool designed specifically to assess the risk of bias in systematic reviews.
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