This page contains information about accessing e-books via the ANZCA Library, as well as linked list of selected e-books related to intensive care medicine.
Guide index
CICM > CICM Library > Library guides
How to access e-resources
Your CICM Member Portal Username and Password is required to access ANZCA Library e-resources. Please ensure that you use the CICM Members Portal login (scroll down) and not the MDP Login.
Having trouble logging into e-resources? Try emptying your browser cache, closing and reopening your browser, and trying again.
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Journals/articles access issues: There is currently a widespread issue impacting numerous CICM journal/article resource links. Many journal/article links are failing to resolve properly during authentication, causing jumpstart errors.
If a link fails to resolve properly during authentication, close the newly opened tab and click the original link again.
A list of core/commonly used intensive care texts.
Please Note: This is the new international edition. An updated ANZ 7th edition of the APLS course manual is currently being finalised which will incorporate the latest ILCOR 2021 guidelines, current best practice and Australia and New Zealand-specific content.
Explore hundreds of intensive care and critical care titles by clicking the link below: