This page contains information about accessing resources that are available free online to health professionals working in registered institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).
Access to Hinari is available to institutionsregistered forResearch4Life.
Watch the video to learn how to access the Hinari collection via the Research4Life portal
Research4Lifeprovides training materials to help make the best use of its contentfor librarians, information specialists, scientists, researchers and students.
Visit the training portal for free downloadable resources, video tutorials, MOOCs andwebinar recordings.
Elsevier's biomedical database Embase is available to Hinari users, providing researchers and healthcare professionals in developing countries access to one of the world's most comprehensive biomedical literature databases.
To access Embase:
The Cochrane Library's mission is to promote evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high-quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesised research evidence.
Their work is internationally recognised as the benchmark for high-quality information about the effectiveness of healthcare.
Click here for information about access options.
Cochrane has launched a new Interactive Learning module on Health Equity.
Access Module 11: Health equity in systematic reviews
Part of the Cochrane Interactive Learning course on Conducting an Intervention Review, this module will give you an introduction to health equity considerations when planning and conducting a systematic review.
TheWestern Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM) is the regional bibliographic index of medical and health journals published by the Member States of the Western Pacific Region. This is the Region’s contribution to the Global Index Medicus (GIM) initiative which aims to extend to all the benefits of the knowledge that is essential to the fullest attainment of health. WPRIM allows free, public access to research and publications that may not be available through other popular medical indexes.
WPRIM is a project of the WHOWestern Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) in collaboration with several institutions in its Member States.
Access more informationon the background of this resource
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