Looking for clinical resources and information related to COVID-19? Visit the COVID-19 guide.
SOT induction course
This course is designed to be an interactive guide for new supervisors of training orientating themselves to the role and consists of the following modules*:
*Users must first register for the course (see below) before using the above links.
SOT induction course: FPM resources
Key things every SOT should know and do
These are the essential documents for training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum.
Supervisors of Training Toolkits
As a supervisor of training, you play a vital role in the training, assessment, and welfare of your trainees and should have a broad understanding of the training program as well as an experience in faculty activities.
Anaesthesia supervisors of training toolkit [college website]
Pain Medicine supervisors of training toolkit [college website]
Using Training Portfolio System (TPS)
A series of instructional videos for a wide range of tasks and activities related to the Trainee Portfolio System (TPS).
Effective mentoring
The Fundamentals of Mentoring course is designed to introduce you to the key elements for effective mentoring.
Mechanisms for supporting trainee
These guidelines are to be used by supervisors of training (SOT) to document a meeting for the trainee support process (TSP).
Support resources
Understanding professionalism and managing communication
This section has a framework for understanding professionalism and performance as it applies to the practice of anaesthesia as well as a course to improve your capacity to hold a feedback conversation.
Responding to bullying, discrimination & sexual harassment
This policy describes the behaviour expected of all fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) and other volunteers acting on behalf of the college.
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME)
This article focusses on CBME, describing changes in introductory training (IT) and the theoretical and practical underpinnings of workplace-based assessment (WBA)..
Become a better educator! Check out the ANZCA Educators Program.
Want to learn more about general medical education? Try our Medical education guide.
Looking for trainee resources? Check out the Training & exams hub.
Wellbeing resources
These resources can be useful to assist you look after yourself and others.
Wellbeing: Overview + SIG resources [library guide]
Cultural awareness
Resources for clinicians in Australia and New Zealand, to assist you in viewing cultural perspectives in workplace interactions.
Understanding purpose of WBA’s and teaching the department
WBAs are assessment tools which provide trainees with structured feedback; aiming at the improvement of the trainee's practice.
Library resources & support
A list of curated e-books to help support the Supervisors of Training.
A list of guides specifically designed to support SOTs, and training and education.
Quick links
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