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Supervisors of training (SOT) support hub: Resources

This hub has been designed for educators participating in the ANZCA, FPM and DHM training programs to identify suitable support resources.

Key things every SOT should know and do

These are the essential documents for training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum.

Using Training Portfolio System (TPS)

A series of instructional videos for a wide range of tasks and activities related to the Trainee Portfolio System (TPS).

Effective mentoring

The Fundamentals of Mentoring course is designed to introduce you to the key elements for effective mentoring.

Mechanisms for supporting trainee

These guidelines are to be used by supervisors of training (SOT) to document a meeting for the trainee support process (TSP).

Support resources

Understanding professionalism and managing communication

This section has a framework for understanding professionalism and performance as it applies to the practice of anaesthesia as well as a course to improve your capacity to hold a feedback conversation.

Responding to bullying, discrimination & sexual harassment

This policy describes the behaviour expected of all fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) and other volunteers acting on behalf of the college.

Become a better educator! Check out the ANZCA Educators Program.

Want to learn more about general medical education? Try our Medical education guide.

Looking for trainee resources? Check out the Training & exams hub.

Understanding purpose of WBA’s and teaching the department

WBAs are assessment tools which provide trainees with structured feedback; aiming at the improvement of the trainee's practice.

  • SOT resources: Introduction
  • Tips for improving WBA culture
  • Tips for using WBAs to support TED
  • Tips for using WBAs to inform CPRs and CURs
  • Suggestions for Supervisors of Training
  • Getting trainees on board
  • Getting assessors on board
  • Finding the time to do Case-based Discussions
  • Overcoming barriers to completion of WBAs
  • Using WBAs to support trainees
  • TPS promo videos

Library resources & support

A list of curated e-books to help support the Supervisors of Training.

A list of guides specifically designed to support SOTs, and training and education.

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