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Library help: Search tips & FAQs

ANZCA's entire library collection can be accessed through a single Google-like search interface. This includes article-level access to over 1100+ full-text medical journals, and title-level access to 16000+ medical e-books and over 3000 print items.

Access anywhere

Enable access to ANZCA library full-text for anywhere on the web.

The discovery service includes a number of features, including:

  • Fully-optimised for mobile and hand-held devices
  • Maori language access options for New Zealand users
  • The ability to perform article/abstract-level searching against all our journals/e-journals and then connect to the full-text(when available online) or request article via library(when available as print)
  • The ability to search for anyarticleindexed in PubMed and then request article via the library(when not held full-text)
  • The ability to perform title-level searching against all our journals/e-journals and then connect to the e-journal (at the title level)
  • The ability to perform title/abstract-level searching against all our books/e-books and then connect to e-books (at the title level)
  • The ability to save searches
  • The ability to create saved lists
  • The ability to export citations
  • The ability to send links to other users for particular resources
  • The ability to view and renew your existing loans

The discovery service matches on exact spelling.

- Words with alternate spellings should be searched using both spellings:

  • Anaesthesia / anesthesia
  • Paediatrics / pediatrics

- Alternatively, wildcards and truncation can be used:

  • An?esthesia - this will match both anaesthesia and anesthesia
  • P?ediatrics - this will match both paediatrics and pediatrics
  • Medic* - this will find any variation on the word medicine

Titles containing commonly used words should be restricted to title matching.

- Click in search box and select XXXX in Title (where XXXX = your search term)
- Append an index term to your search:

  • ti: is a title keyword search - for example: ti:miller's anesthesia
  • ti= is an exact title search - for example: ti=miller's anesthesia

- Use Boolean operators to refine your search:

  • AND, OR and NOT are supported - for example: anesthesia OR anaesthesia
  • Brackets () can also be used to create more complex searches - for example: (anesthesia OR anaesthesia) AND cardiac
  1. Navigate to the Library Home page and use the search widget or go directly to the discovery service home page
  2. Search for a particular title or enter keywords related to your area of interest (for example: pain medicine)

Note: If you already within the discovery service, you will also have the option of just searching in&Title

  1. After your search results display, navigate to the sidebar and refine your search results using the&filters:

  1. There are a number of different filters available, including:

  1. If an article is available full-text, it can be accessed by clicking on the [ View full text ] button

  1. Where the article is available for direct PDF display, it can be accessed by clicking on the [ View PDF ] button

  1. Similarly, full-text e-books and e-journals can be accessed by clicking on the [ View eBook ] or [ Access journal ] buttons:

  1. View the full bibliographic record (and view complete print holdings) by selecting the items' title:

  1. The item detail screen&will display:

  1. Toggle the Description heading to display the full bibliographic item details:

  1. The Access & Request Options panel will display summary item availability details and your requesting options:

  1. Print items can be requested by selecting the [ Request Item for Loan&] button - see the Borrowing Books page for full details
  2. Click the Availability link to display the completeANZCA Library holdings details:

Cant find it? Try Worldwide!

Whilst the vast majority of ANZCA’s library resources show as held, there are some resources that can only be accessed by expanding your search to Libraries Worldwide.

In addition, for items (articles or book chapters) not held by ANZCA library, it's possible to expand your search so that you are searching against the entire Medline database.

Simply click on the Libraries Worldwide facet in the left sidebar or select the Do you want to expand your search to Libraries Worldwide? link.

Libraries Worldwide

Request via the libraryAny articles/chapters not available&online (or held only in print) may be requested by selecting the item title and using the [&Request article via Library&] button on the Access & Request Options panel:

Clicking on the button will automatically populate the Request an article/chapter form.

The discovery service collapses all the different editions and formats (print and e-book) for a particular title into a single grouped or representative record.

Be default, the record displayed is usually for the most recently held item.

Different (older) editions and print holdings can be accessed in several different ways:

  1. Select an alternate edition or alternate format using the links in the Other Editions&and Formats at ANZCA Library section:

  1. By deselecting the Group Related Editions switch in the top-left corner of the screen you can display all held editions&separately:

  1. Deselect the Group Variant Records switch to view all different Editions&and Formats (print and e-book) separately:

  1. Alternatively, you can select the View Worldwide Editions and Formats link on the search results screen to display ALL the editions for this title, including those held byANZCA Library:

After you perform a search in WorldCat Discovery, items in your search results will include icons for users to quickly cite an item/export citation, share a record (by either emailing or copying a link) or save records to a list;(which can be emailed or permanently saved). The icons are available from the brief results, the action panel, and on the detailed record (mobile view).

Cite- Format a citation: Generate and copy a styled citation.
- Export a citation: Cite the record using EndNote, RefWorks or RIS format.

Share- Email record:Email a single record with up to five (5) email recipients.
- Note: You also have the option to add a record to a list and email the list to up to five recipients at the end of your session using Saved Items or My Personal List (see details below).

- Share record link:Copy and share the link.

Save- Save record: Adds the record to the Saved Items list - which can then be emailed to yourself, exported as citations or shared with others (see details below).
- Note: Records added to a list are stored temporarily for the session until the session times out.

Saved Items and My Personal Lists

You can save up to 100 records in a list by clicking on the Save icon that appears next to the item. When users reach the limit, the interface displays text as a warning message: "Your list is full. Please remove records from your list or clear your list to add more records." Users can close the message and continue to search; However, they will not be able to add another record to the list until one or more records are removed.

Users can remove one record at a time by using the icon beside each record. Users can delete all records in the list by clicking Select All, then clicking the Delete icon.

To create and save a personal list:

  1. Sign Into your personal library account (see details below)
  2. Search for the items you would like to include in a list.
  3. Click the Save icon to add the citation to the list.
  4. When finished, click Saved Items link in the upper-right corner to display your My Items list
  5. Click on the Create List icon.
  6. Provide a List Name (required) and List Description (optional).
  7. Select a Privacy preference.
    • Shared: a permalink is generated for others to view, site and share the list. Changes to the list are updated in realtime after the page is refreshed.
    • Private: the default value, no permalink is created and the list is only visible to its creator.
  8. This option can be changed after the list has been saved. If a Shared list is changed to Private, the list content automatically becomes inaccessible to anyone with the original permalink.
  9. Click Save.

Email item(s) from Saved/My Items or My Personal Lists:

  1. Go to the list or saved item you want to share.
  2. Click the Email icon: an Email List window will display.
  3. Enter up to five email addresses, separated by commas in the Email Address(es) field.
  4. Provide a Subject and (optional) Message (limit 500 characters).
  5. Click Send Email or Send List. Your items or list will be sent.

Cite multiple items from Saved/My Items or My Personal Lists:

  1. Go to the list containing items you want to cite.
  2. Click the check box next to the items you want to create citations for or check the Select All box.
  3. Click the Cite icon: a Cite List window will display.
  4. Select the citation style: the citations appear in a Copy & Paste box.
  5. Export the citations by clicking on one of the Export options or copy and paste them from the text box.

To move items from My Personal Lists or Saved/My Items to a Personal List:

  1. Go to the list containing items you want to move.
  2. Click the check box next to the items you want to move, or select all by checking the Select All box.
  3. Click the Move icon: a Move Records window will display.
  4. Select the list to which you want to move the items.
  5. Click Select List.

To clear entries from your temporary list:

  1. Select individual items to be removed from the list or click the box to Select All.
  2. Click the Delete icon.
  3. A message opens to confirm this action.
  4. Click Delete Records to continue or Cancel to return to the list.

ANZCA library provides access to a large range of journals, specialising in anaesthesia and pain medicine-related titles.

  • The full-text of most&titles can be accessed online (College ID and ANZCA password)
  • Journals available in print are not available for loan
  • However, it is possible to request articles from these journals (and libraries worldwide) using the Request an article service
  • Requested articles are provided FREE-OF-CHARGE

InformationFor further information about accessing journals, see the Journals page

ANZCA library provides access to a large range of medical e-books.

  • The full-text of these titles can be easily accessed online (College ID and ANZCA password)
  • In addition to subscribing to a number of individual titles, the library also subscribes to several large e-book collections

InformationFor further information about accessing e-books see the e-Books page

ANZCA library provides access to a large range of print books, specialising in anaesthesia and pain medicine-related titles.

  • Items available for loan include textbooks, CD-ROMs and DVDs
  • Items can be requested by searching the ANZCA library, clicking the item title and selecting the [ Request Item ] button
  • Requested items are delivered/returned via courier FREE-OF-CHARGE
  • When placing a request, first-time users will be required to create a password for their personal Library Account (see below)

InformationFor further information about requesting books, see the Borrowing books page



First-time users of the discovery service who would like to request items, view/renew items on loan, save searches or create lists will need to create a password for their personalised library account.

NOTE: This is not the same as your ANZCA password used to access to e-resources. Setting/resetting your personalised library account password will not affect your ANZCA password.

  1. Open the ANZCA library discovery service
  2. Click on the [ Sign in ] button in the top-right of the screen:

  1. The login screen for your personalised library account will display:

  1. Click the Request Library Password link at the bottom of the Sign In box - this will open the Request new Library Password screen

  1. Enter your College ID (or staff username) and click the [ Request ] button

Note: If you do not receive an email or no longer have access to your preferred email account, contact the library and a library staff member will update your contact details.

  1. An email will be generated and sent to your preferred email address
    • Subject = Request to manage library password
    • Sender = Library Password Management <>

  1. Click on the link in the email - this will open the Change Library Password screen:

  1. Enter the following:
    • Your College ID (or staff username)
    • Your New Library Password
    • Confirm new Library Password
  2. Click the [ Change Library Password ] button when complete
  3. A Library Password updated message should then display:

  1. Couldn't reset your password? Contact the library and a library staff member will check/update your contact details. Note: Library staff cannot view/set your library account password details.

If you are having difficulties accessing e-resources (e-books, journals, online videos, etc), you can test our authentication connection utilising the following link:

Authentication Test Link

Enter your college ID and password (used for the website and other college systems).

If the authentication is successful, you will pass through to our authentication system's Database Menu.

If the authentication is unsuccessful, then you can try resetting your college password using the "Forgot Password?" link and/or messaging the "Technical support" via the college contact form.

Search and use query syntax

WorldCat Discovery can be searched using Boolean operators and approximate term queries. Save your searches to quickly reproduce queries.

How item bibliographic data is displayed

See where and how item bibliographic data is displayed in WorldCat Discovery records.

Use the Advanced Search screen

Use the Advanced Search screen to refine your WorldCat Discovery search results.

Filter and refine search results

Refine your WorldCat Discovery search results with search filters and suggested results.

Share records and create citations

Browse the Shelf to view nearby items

The Browse the Shelf feature allows Discovery users to see which items owned by the library are next to a selected item in the library's collection, based on the item call numbers. [Print items only]

View/renew items on loan

Nau mai ki to wharepukapuka!

New Zealand-based users will be pleased to know that the ANZCA library discovery service includes a Māori language interface.

Simply navigate to the Language drop-down (which can be found in the navigation footer) and change the setting to Māori - the interface will then automatically update to utilise Māori language options throughout.

Talk to us

We rely on your feedback to further develop and support the ANZCA library. Use the link below to provide content suggestions, as well as to make recommendations, report issues, and to give general feedback.

Quick links

CPD online portfolio

ANZCA Training Portfolio System

FPM Training ePortfolio


Professional documents

Member Portal

RGA Training ePortfolio

ANZCA Connect

Doctors' helpline

Clinical job vacancies


Faculty of Pain Medicine

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine

ANZCA Foundation

ANZCA Clinical Trials Network

Geoffrey Kaye Museum

Connect with us











The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.
The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.

Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.