Material and resources regarding First Nations peoples and cultures has historically been created and recorded by non-Indigenous people and may not have had the input of First Nations peoples themselves. As a result, this material may contain cultural inaccuracies and misinterpretations, or words and descriptions which could be considered insensitive, outdated and/or offensive in today's context.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the resources within this guide may contain images, voices, or names of deceased persons.
The college welcomes your feedback regarding any potential omissions, misrepresentations, or inaccuracies regarding First Nations peoples, as well as suggestions for additional resources.
Related websites
iMedicalApps (reviews of medical apps & healthcare technology)
iTunes (medical category)
Google Play (medical category)
Fully updated 2023/4 collection now available.
Recommended podcasts are listed below. Additional information about podcasts can be found on the Podcasts library guide.
ANZCA Indigenous health podcasts
This series has been developed by ANZCA fellows as a resource to provide an introduction into working with Indigenous patients. There are nine podcasts available covering topics that range from communication and asking about Indigenous status to culture shock and traditional parenting.
Listen to the podcasts by clicking on the images below.
Quick links
Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.