This page contains resources likely to aid in assessment preparation for SIMG participants.
Further detail on assessments may be found in the Handbook for specialist international medical graduates.
Clinical practice assessment period (CPA)
The CPA period is the time in clinical practice an SIMG must complete during their individual program. If the SIMG has been assessed for anaesthesia their CPA period must be in clinical anaesthesia; time spent in other specialities will not be considered. If they have been assessed for pain medicine, their CPA period must be in pain medicine; time spent in other specialities will not be considered.
Before starting the CPA period SIMGs must submit an “Application for approval of a position” (AUS) / REG7: Application for approval of position and supervisor (NZ) and “supervisors agreement”. If a SIMG moves positions during their CPA period they must first resubmit the above forms for review.
Note: CPA positions must be at least 0.5 full-time equivalent in clinical anaesthesia/pain medicine. Any CPA undertaken part-time will be considered pro-rata.
Please refer to the Handbook for specialist international medical graduates for further information.
New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Anaesthesia SIMGs resource support
Anaesthesia training resources to support the individual clinical fundamentals (CFs) and specialised study units (SSUs) can be found on the Anaesthesia Training Resources guide.
Pain Medicine SIMGs resource support
Pain medicine training resources to support the individual Essential Topic Areas (ETAs) can be found on the Pain Medicine Training Resources guide.
SIMG performance assessment (PA)
The SIMG performance assessment (SIMG PA) is a component of the individual program. The PA assesses the professional performance of the SIMG against a standard that would be reasonably expected of a specialist anaesthetist/pain medicine physician who has been trained in Australia or New Zealand.
The SIMG PA usually occurs in the final three calendar months of the clinical practice assessment period (CPA) period. The SIMG PA is a one-day assessment conducted by two fellows in the SIMG’s actual working environment.
Please refer to the Handbook for specialist international medical graduates for further information.
Multisource feedback (MSF)
All SIMGs must complete a MSF during their clinical practice assessment (CPA) period. Those SIMGs who complete a PA will complete a MSF during the SIMG performance assessment (PA). This will satisfy the MSF requirement.
Those SIMGs who do not complete a PA must complete an MSF which aligns with the MSF described in the ANZCA and FPM CPD program.
SIMG forms
Application for assessment of a position for suitability for the clinical practice assessment period
New Zealand
CPA reports
CPA report for SIMGs [Anaesthesia]
CPA report for SIMGs [Pain medicine]
Use the links below to access additional support resources contained on the Learn@ANZCA platform.
Note: Resources located in Learn@ANZCA require that you first register before accessing.
Additional cultural safety resources can be found on the Indigenous health guide.
Quick links
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