When required, the anaesthesia SIMG examination is conducted by the Final Examination Subcommittee, with the FPM examination conducted by the FPM Examination Committee.
Further detail on assessments may be found in the Handbook for specialist international medical graduates.
A note on exam texts
Several acronyms are used repeatedly by the texts listed in this guide. What follows is a summary of the key acronyms.
SIMGs required to sit an exam: there are different examinations held for anaesthesia and pain medicine SIMGs.
Please refer to the SIMG handbook for further information on SIMG-related exams.
Anaesthesia SIMG examination
Any SIMG required to undertake the SIMG exam undertakes just the medical and anaesthesia viva sections of the Anaesthesia Training Program's Final exam (FEx), and is therefore not required to undertake its written components. However, SIMGs may choose to sit the full Final exam (FEx) - including its written components - if they prefer.
A comprehensive list of Final exam-related resources can be found on the Assessment: Final exam (FEx) page of the Anaesthesia training resources library guide.
Pain medicine SIMG examination
Any SIMG required to complete the FPM Fellowship Exam - as outlined in the FPM Training Handbook - undertakes just its oral components.
Additional pain medicine training resources can be found on the Pain Medicine Training guide.
Final exam (FEx) resources
A selection of exam-related resources are listed below.
***Essential*** A comprehensive list of Final exam-related resources can be found on the Assessment: Final exam (FEx) page of the Anaesthesia training resources library guide.
Related texts
A selection of resources are listed below.
A note on the listed FRCA content: The ANZCA Final Exam is sat at a later point than the FRCA Final Exam, so some of the suggested responses in the content listed below may not fully reflect the knowledge and experience expected from an ANZCA Final Exam participant. They should be used with caution.
A large number of additional texts can be accessed via the Exam preparation guide.
Find out more
To learn more about the ANZCA anaesthesia exam process, see the college page.
Use the links below to access additional support resources contained on the Learn @ANZCA platform.
Note: Resources located in Learn@ANZCA require that you first register before accessing.
SIMG exam courses
SIMG-specific courses are listed below.
A large number of additional final exam-related courses can be accessed via the Assessment: Final exam (FEx) page of the Anaesthesia training resources library guide.
Quick links
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