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Guide index
Library > Library guides > Training & examinations > Anaesthesia training resources
What to expect from the guide
The guide has been structured into four sections.
The first section contains some useful information for those just starting their course
The second section is composed of three main categories (or tabs) covering the course curriculum:
Within each category you will find e-books, journals, articles, podcasts and videos, websites, as well links to other supporting guides.
The third section is comprised of assessment-related resources:
The fourth section is comprised of eight additional categories (or tabs):
ANZCA Training Portfolio System (TPS)
The online portfolio system designed to record training experiences by and for trainees.
Learn@ANZCA (formerly Networks) is the college's learning management system.
ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum
The current version of curriculum and the training handbook can be accessed below.
Find out more
To learn more about the Anaesthesia Training Program, see the college page.
Quick links
Copyright © Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.