Anaesthesia training requires the mandatory completion of several courses.
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Advanced life support (ALS) courses
Advanced Life Support (ALS) courses enable trainees to develop advanced skills in managing cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies. While the courses cover advanced resuscitation skills, they are also designed to develop leadership and team skills in managing such emergencies.
Airway courses
Airway-related courses and information.
Can't Intubate, Can't Operate (CICO)
The Can't Intubate, Can't Operate (CICO) course is designed to teach the technical skill of infraglottic airway access/front-of-neck access.
Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC)
To complete training and be eligible for fellowship, a trainee must have completed an Emergency Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) course.
Specialised Study Units (SSUs)
A neonatal resuscitation course or equivalent must be completed once during training, and where possible while the trainee is completing the obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia specialised study unit (SSU).
Neonatal resuscitation courses - see Obstetric SSU
A paediatric life support (PLS) course or equivalent must be completed once during training, where possible while the trainee is completing the Paediatric Anaesthesia or Obstetric Anaesthesia and Analgesia Specialised Study Unit (SSU).
Paediatric life support courses - see Paediatric SSU
Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST)
ANZCA recommends that all trainees undertake the Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST) or an equivalent course during training. However, it is not compulsory unless the trauma volume of practice in the resuscitation, trauma and crisis management clinical fundamental cannot be completed.
Pre-approved courses may be listed on the ANZCA website
Additional information for trainees can be found in the website FAQ (Can I get an exemption from a course? section) and the trainee handbook.
Primary exam courses
A number of preparatory courses are available via ANZCA, the ASA and other providers.
Final exam courses
A number of preparatory courses are available via ANZCA, the ASA and other providers.
Additional recommended face-to-face and online courses. Most of these courses are trainee/fellow created.
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