Our research support toolkit provides information and support for all areas of research, and is an excellent primer for emerging researchers.
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ANZCA research
Access information and resources available to support your research, including the research essentials guide and research support toolkit.
ANZCA strongly supports research via the ANZCA Foundation and the ANZCA Research Committee, which assesses research applications, the FPM Research and Innovation Committee, and the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network.
Aimed at the "novice" researcher, this guide brings together core research-related resources. It’s a good place to learn more about the basics of research gathering, writing a paper, or prepping for a presentation:
This in-depth toolkit brings together information resources related to the area of professional research, the research life cycle and the college services and resources available to support both emerging and established researchers.
ANZCA Institutional Research Repository
Learn more about ANZCA's dedicated institutional research repository, create an online research profile or access the ANZCA publications archive.
The ANZCA Institutional Research Repository (AIRR) has been developed to collect, preserve and promote the significant amount of important research published by college fellows and trainees.
The ARCN Sub-committee has developed a pandemic guide as a resource for anaesthesia research coordinators and research teams to help navigate the changing research landscape.
Open access publishing at ANZCA
The college now provides open access (OA) publishing opportunities at no-cost to ANZCA and CICM researchers.
Research consultation service
The college now has a dedicated Research Librarian, who will be able to assist you with your research-related queries and provide literature search assistance.
Research support toolkit (RSTK)
This in-depth toolkit brings together information resources related to the area of professional research, the research life-cycle and the college resources available to support ANZCA researchers. It offers a primer for emerging investigators and research co-ordinators who would like to know more, and support materials for both new and established researchers.
Roles in practice
Access resources to support the professional practice domains of collaborator, communicator, health advocate, leader and manager, professional, and scholar.
Learn more about the resources available to support the professional practice domains of communicator, collaborator, leader and manager, scholar, health advocate and professional in anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine.
The ANZCA Roles in Practice are taught throughout the ANZCA | FPM training programs, and describe the roles of a specialist anaesthetist and specialist pain medicine physician and how they apply to contemporary practice.
Access anywhere
Learn more about how to access ANZCA full-text resources whilst searching the web.
It is possible to access ANZCA library full-text resources outside the library via such services as Google Scholar and by utilising browser extensions like LibKey that allow you to link to the full-text when a citation appears on a web site (ie: PubMed/Wikipedia).
Document delivery
It is possible for ANZCA fellows, trainees and SIMGsto request journal articles, chapters from books or conference papers not held by ANZCA Library free-of-charge.
Databases & collections
ANZCA library provides access to a range of specialised medical and education databases and collections.
Covidence is a web-based tool that improves healthcare evidence synthesis by improving the efficiency and experience of creating and maintaining Systematic Reviews.
Literature searching
Learn more about how to conduct your own literature search and the ANZCA library's literature search service.
For anaesthetists and pain specialists needing help conducting their own literature searches on specific topics, using specialised resources - including those available through the ANZCA library.
Learn more about the how to assemble and format citations appropriate for your needs, and download the ANZCA EndNote style.
Learn more about the tools available that can be used for presentations and assignments.
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