Patel S. Role of Reflection in Education and Practice in Anaesthesia: Purpose, Process, Pitfalls and Promotion. International Medical Education. 2023; 2(4):262-275.
Keywords: anesthesia; anesthesiologists; reflection; professionalism; education; reflective learning
Reflection facilitates medical education and professional practice by enhancing active and deep learning from experiences. The reflection period is a time for self-awareness and self-assessment of learning events and experiences to improve future experiences (e.g., skill acquisition). Advocates for reflection suggest that reflective practice has the power to enhance professionalism as it provides an opportunity for critical thinking. It can be of variable length and depth; however, the process should be explorative and factual. Critical reflection is a broader and in-depth consideration of historical, cultural and political contexts to challenge and change one’s or a group’s assumptions and actions. Although the process is beneficial to achieving the intended learning objectives, its impact on educational and clinical outcomes remains unclear in anaesthesia. The usefulness of reflection in the learning process or work practices varies depending on personal, professional and organisational factors. Several models and approaches are described to facilitate the reflection process. However, assessment of reflection within the curriculum boundaries and for workplace-based learning activities is complex and challenging due to the lack of validated tools for different types of reflection. PubMed and Google Scholar were searched for articles on reflection and its application in anaesthesia. The anaesthesia literature has minimal information on the theoretical and research aspects of reflective learning and teaching. This review aims to outline the purpose of reflection, discuss the utilisation of commonly used reflection models and underline the intricacy of reflection in anaesthesia learning, teaching and practice. This article highlights crucial factors which may foster or hinder reflection and its effectiveness in achieving meaningful intended outcomes.