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ANZCA and FPM CPD Program resources: Latest updates
Category 1: Practice evaluation
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Accreditation inspection/review
Annual structured conversation/performance appraisal
Case conference
CPD plan & evaluation
Critical reflection
Cultural safety
Examiner for the ANZCA anaesthesia primary & final & FPM fellowship exams
Medico-legal reports
Multi-source feedback (MsF)
Patient experience survey
Peer review of practice
Peer review of educational practice
Peer support groups
SIMG Performance Assessment assessor
Team scenario
Analysing healthcare outcomes (AHO)
Clinical audit
Clinical governance
Clinical governance/quality assurance committee work
Incident reporting
Morbidity/mortality meetings
Practice audit (clinical support)
Quality improvement project
Report of audit findings
Review patient pathways
Root cause analysis (RCA)
Category 2: Knowledge & skills
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Education development
Education/research committee work
Formal courses
Global development
Hospital or practice attachments
Journal reading
Leadership and management skills development
Learning sessions
Review of ANZCA/FPM fellows
Reviewer, grant applications
Reviewer/editor of journal
Short format learning
Trainee assessment reviews
WBA of trainees
Wellbeing education sessions
Category 3: Emergency response
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Acute severe behavioural disturbance (ASBD) in the adult patient
Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate (CICO)
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrest – specialist pain medicine physicians
Central nervous system oxygen toxicity (CNS-OT)
COVID-19 airway management
Major haemorrhage
Malignant hyperthermia
Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment
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Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment