Activity: Reviewer/editor of a journal Knowledge & skills
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Library > Library guides > Professional development hub > ANZCA and FPM CPD Program
Category 1: Practice evaluation
Category 2: Knowledge & skills
External resources
External courses
External webinars
Title: High-Quality Peer Review: Why and How for Authors and Reviewers, from the Editors of ANESTHESIOLOGY
The Editors of ANESTHESIOLOGY organized this session to inform reviewers how to prepare a review that will help identify the best clinical and basic science for publication.
Title: How To Become A Scientific Journal Editor - Interview With An Editor In Nature Research
Do you enjoy reading and writing about science? In this video you will learn how to do your favourite thing for a living.
Title: Editing: Things they don't tell you about what journal editors want
Pippa Smart, independent publishing and research communications consultant and Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Learned Publishing, provides some insights into the ‘black box’ of editorial decision-making and how authors can improve their chances of article acceptance.
Title: Captivating Careers: A conversation with Jennifer Hunter
Prof. Jennifer Hunter was the first woman to become Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and Chair of the European Society of Anaesthesiology Scientific Programme Committee. Prof. Hunter discusses the highlights of her career in Anaesthesiology, along with her inspirations, motivations, and much more.
Title: Editing as a Scientific Career (Podcast)
Does becoming an editor mean you are leaving research? Can you ever go back to academia? And why should you "follow the cookies"?
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