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Key resources including journals, books & e-books, recent articles, apps and websites.
Topic-specific anaesthesia resources including key journals, books/e-books, recent articles, apps and websites.
Pain medicine
Topic-specific pain medicine resources including key journals, books & e-books, recent articles, apps and websites.
Global development resources
The Asia-Pacific resources guide promotes key anaesthesia and pain medicine books and journals available online to local doctors in areas supported by the ANZCA Global Development committee such as Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
Our dedicated anaesthesia training resources guide provides resource support for all parts of the anaesthesia training program and curriculum, as well as an extensive list of assessment and exam resources.
Training & examinations
Resources designed to support the education and training programs at ANZCA and FPM.
Supervisors of training
Resources designed to support our educators
Our dedicated CPD program resources guide provides resource support for all parts of the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program, covering every activity in the CPD curriculum.
Professional development
The PD hub brings together resources related to professional development and maintenance
Safety & advocacy
The Safety & Advocacy hub brings together resources related to safety, standards of practice - including anaesthetic incident reporting (webAIRS), critical incident debriefing, advocacy, and indigenous and global health.
Our research support toolkit provides information and support for all areas of research, and is an excellent primer for emerging researchers.
Research support
The Research support hub brings together the various resources and tools provided by the ANZCA library to support research.
A new or emerging researcher? Then checkout the research support toolkit (RSTK):
Apps & multimedia
Tools that can be used for "on-the-run" learning, presentations and assignments.
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